dm stage: 45 DSOD stage: 10 gx stage: 10 5ds stage: 10 UR Jewel 7 SR Jewel 107 tickets: 10 UR + 12 SR + 1 UR dream ticket Rex Goodwin unlocked! $59 If you are interested in the account and have any question contact me through pm or discord: thehaseo#4557 Payment methods accepted: Paypal Neteller Skrill # Character list: Yami Yugi lvl 30 Seto lvl 30 Joey lvl 30 Mai lvl 30 Tea lvl 30 Weevil lvl 30 Rex lvl 13 Mako lvl 1 Keith lvl 1 Ishizu lvl 1 Odion lvl 1 Pegasus lvl 1 Mokuba lvl 1 Seto DSOD lvl 21 Mokuba lvl 3 Jaden lvl 21 Jesse lvl 14 Chazz lvl 2 Yusei lvl 27 Akiza lvl 5 Goodwin lvl 1