Sold CRK LVL 51 - SV Hollyberry- Rank Master 2- 109/109 Cookies

Discussion in 'Cookie Run Kingdom Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by claudiiia, 8/9/23.

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  1. claudiiia

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    Unverified Member

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    My Location:
    Level 51 kingdom on the Hollyberry server with 109/109 cookies

    All the # cookies are build

    Has a # team for each guild boss

    Rank master 2 in the arena

    All the BTS cookies and all of their costumes and furniture

    All the Disney cookies and furniture

    All the hanbok costumes

    Sonic cookies

    Level 15 Castle

    Level 15 fountain of abundance

    Level 60 statue of heroic radiance

    Is part of an active level 47 guild

    Has all the treasures and most of them are maxed

    Level 30 candies for vampire, rye, expresso and squid ink, level 19 candy for werewolf, level 21 co tea knight cookie candy, level 17 for madeleine cookie candy, level 11 for parfait cookie candy level 16 candy for cream puff, level 6 candy for licorice and purple yam cookies, level 3 sea fairy crystal jam

    Can easily get to level 60 in cookie alliance

    All the cookies' decors

    Some battle pass decors IMG_20230809_190349.jpg IMG_20230809_190316.jpg IMG_20230809_190304.jpg IMG_20230809_190242.jpg IMG_20230809_190230.jpg IMG_20230809_190216.jpg IMG_20230809_190205.jpg IMG_20230809_190047.jpg IMG_20230809_190059.jpg IMG_20230809_190108.jpg IMG_20230809_184336.jpg IMG_20230809_184356.jpg IMG_20230809_184408.jpg IMG_20230809_185612.jpg IMG_20230809_185649.jpg IMG_20230809_185538.jpg IMG_20230809_185559.jpg IMG_20230809_185711.jpg IMG_20230809_185720.jpg IMG_20230809_185740.jpg IMG_20230809_185815.jpg IMG_20230809_185827.jpg IMG_20230809_185841.jpg IMG_20230809_185852.jpg IMG_20230809_185902.jpg IMG_20230809_185912.jpg IMG_20230809_185922.jpg IMG_20230809_185933.jpg IMG_20230809_185943.jpg IMG_20230809_185953.jpg IMG_20230809_190006.jpg IMG_20230809_190016.jpg IMG_20230809_190028.jpg IMG_20230809_190037.jpg
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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