Selling Crime city account for sale

Discussion in 'Crime City Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Slothdude, 6/6/15.

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  1. Slothdude

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    I've lost interest in crime city. My account is for sale.

    Currently my stats are:

    Lev 105 class: Enforcer
    Income per Hour: 78165160
    Mafia attack: 218 million
    Mafia Defense: 195.7 million

    2790 Energy
    11 Stamina

    Kingpin Power attack 103 Defense 129

    If you are interested or need further details, email me: [email protected]

    I'm accepting steam vouchers primarily. If you have paypal money or something, then if you could buy the voucher and send the code, that'd be preferred. Upon receiving the code and verifying the code, the account details will be sent to you.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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