Credit Card Issue

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by McJag70, 12/30/17.

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  1. McJag70

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    So I just bought a few things that came up to 3.5K roughly for a refund order i'm doing. Did a refund roughly 2 weeks ago for apple which came to 1.5k. I don't use that mastercard too much and I guess it raised some red flags or so. And got a call from my mastercard company that the purchase was declined and that I need to call the security team back. Of course it's about this purchase and what not, but does anyone have experience with this? Like what do they ask and what not? Was thinking of saying something about how it was a gift for someone else and they didn't like it so I returned it and got them another gift from a different store and decided to pick myself up one as well because of how good that person was hyping it up (Because the apple refund was 2k less than this order so I need to make it seem like there were more items added). Would that be fine enough? And i'm just worried about what they might say after that. I could say that we didn't really like it because it's still in early development and returned it too, and instead we're just gonna buy some other gift locally. Or I could say that we were both jumping between phones as a temporary tester as the company's offer a 60 day trial period for the phone so we decided to return it after seeing how it was. What is your thoughts and opinions on what I should say?
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