Discussion in 'Fire Emblem Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/casualmarthfan, 1/5/19.

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  1. /u/casualmarthfan

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    Hey FEH community, I´m about to drop a big nugget! I want to sell my crazy FEH whale account from day one, which I spent around 2800-3000€ till today. I did concentrate more on quality then on quantity of my units, so 90% of my units got perfect IVs and perfect SI! Still with all the 5 stars I used for SI, with the merges its about 230+ 5 stars !! On Imgur you can see almost everything I have on the account, the only thing you can´t see are the seals, where I have 100% every seal, where also the most important are level 3! I thought about 800€ for the account, payment is accepted via Paypal to be one the safe side! If you have questions pm me ! Hoowdy !

    # #/casualmarthfan
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