Crappy Leveling #

Discussion in 'Rumble Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 9/9/14.

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  1. Games

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    This was a script for a # that I made before I started EXP #.

    As the title says, its a CRAPPY # script it'll get you around 30 carats a round. So its more of something to do while you're sleeping. It requires two computers to run, and the program AC Tools... if anyone remembers that. lol


    I'm writing this from scratch onto the page here, so I apologize if anythings wrong with it. You're going to have to set the mouse coordinates for hitting Ready on your own, because I'm not sure if the F5 is going to work.

    Die #

    One of your # is going to run into a corner and let the other # kill it over and over again.


    While 1 = 1 Delay 5 sec keys {f5} loop 10 delay 2 sec keydown {down} 4 sec delay 2 sec keydown {right} 4 sec end end

    Kill #

    This # will run into a corner and kill your Die #


    While 1 = 1 Delay 5 sec keys {f5} loop 2 delay 2 sec keydown {right} 4 sec delay 2 sec keydown {down} 4 sec end loop 96 delay 1 sec keys x end end

    Again, I just wrote these in the internet panel, some of the coding may be wrong and you'll have to adjust it for yourself, the main problem is probably timing. I'll go over the code for you right now in case for some reason someone can't understand it.


    While 1 = 1 -- infinite loop so the # will never stop Delay 5 sec -- just a safety delay to make sure you can open the game before it tries to ready keys {f5} -- hits the ready button loop 2 -- loops twice to move your character to the bottom right corner delay 2 sec -- delay between movements keydown {right} 4 sec -- holds key down for 4 seconds delay 2 sec -- delay between movements keydown {down} 4 sec -- holds key down for 4 seconds end -- ends the loop loop 96 -- attacks 96 times (for the remaining 96 seconds after movement) delay 1 sec -- delay between hitting attack for 96 seconds keys x -- hits the punch key over and over... end -- ends the loop end -- ends the while loop

    If the F5 doesn't work for hitting ready you'll have to use the following code

    mousepos {350,500} -- I think thats the mouse pos, I don't remember.

    delay 1 sec


    I'm not sure about the mouse coordinates which is why I put F5 in instead, but I'm not sure if it works.

    If theres any problems with it tell me and I'll try to fix it.

    I read over the # again, there is a 90% chance of a problem with the timing, so just edit it to fit your needs. If worst comes to worst just add the following

    delay 10 sec

    add it underneath the keys {f5}

    Donations appreciated:



    I forgot to mention this is designed for ARENA on HANGER

    uhh, does this work?

    Omg i dun get how this works please explain

    Originally Posted by Astrael


    This was a script for a # that I made before I started EXP #.

    As the title says, its a CRAPPY # script it'll get you around 30 carats a round. So its more of something to do while you're sleeping. It requires two computers to run, and the program AC Tools... if anyone remembers that. lol


    I'm writing this from scratch onto the page here, so I apologize if anythings wrong with it. You're going to have to set the mouse coordinates for hitting Ready on your own, because I'm not sure if the F5 is going to work.

    Die #

    One of your # is going to run into a corner and let the other # kill it over and over again.


    While 1 = 1 Delay 5 sec keys {f5} loop 10 delay 2 sec keydown {down} 4 sec delay 2 sec keydown {right} 4 sec end

    Kill #

    This # will run into a corner and kill your Die #


    While 1 = 1 Delay 5 sec keys {f5} loop 2 delay 2 sec keydown {right} 4 sec delay 2 sec keydown {down} 4 sec end loop 96 delay 1 sec keys x end

    Again, I just wrote these in the internet panel, some of the coding may be wrong and you'll have to adjust it for yourself, the main problem is probab
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