Hi playerup, Today I'll show you how to acess some class with 1 ADDR You can get information about class HERE Code: #include <stdint.h> #define ADDR_CROSSFIRE_ENGINE_CLASS 0x11701E4 #include "SDK\engine\sdk\inc\ltbasedefs.h" #include "SDK\engine\sdk\inc\iltmessage.h" class LTVector { public: float x, y, z; }; class LTRotation { public: float x, y, z, w; }; class LTObject { public: char _0x0000[4]; LTVector BoxMin; //0x0004 LTVector BoxMax; //0x0010 char _0x001C[128]; LTVector Scale; //0x009C char _0x00A8[4]; unsigned int Type; //0x00AC char _0x00B0[8]; LTVector Dimentions; //0x00B8 char _0x00C4[12]; LTVector ModelCullingPosition; //0x00D0 char _0x00DC[4]; LTVector Position; //0x00E0 LTRotation Rotation; //0x00EC LTVector Velocity; //0x00FC LTVector GlobalForceOverride; //0x0108 char _0x0114[8]; LTVector Acceleration; //0x011C };//Size=0x0128 class CLTClient { public: char pad_0000[1092]; //0x0000 }; //Size: 0x0444 class ILTCSBase { public: CLTClient* pCLTClient; //0x0000 char _0x0001[123]; bool(WINAPIV *IntersectSegment)(IntersectQuery &iQuery, IntersectInfo *Info); //0x007C char _0x0080[412]; void(WINAPIV *RunConsoleCommand)(CHAR *Command); //0x021C char _0x0220[508]; LTRESULT SendToServer(ILTMessage_Read *pMsg, HOBJECT hSender, uint32 flags); //0x041C }; //Size: 0x0293 class CD3DDrawPrim { public: char pad_0000[68]; //0x0000 }; //Size: 0x0044 class ILTDrawPrim { public: CD3DDrawPrim* pD3DDrawPrim; //0x0000 char pad_0004[64]; //0x0004 }; //Size: 0x0044 class CLTPhysicsClient { public: char pad_0000[68]; //0x0000 }; //Size: 0x0044 class ILTClientPhysics { public: CLTPhysicsClient* pLTPhysicsClient; //0x0000 char pad_0004[64]; //0x0004 }; //Size: 0x0044 class CUIWidgetManager { public: char pad_0000[68]; //0x0000 }; //Size: 0x0044 class ILTWidgetManager { public: CUIWidgetManager* pUIWidgetManager; //0x0000 char pad_0004[64]; //0x0004 }; //Size: 0x0044 class D3DRenderStyles { public: char pad_0000[68]; //0x0000 }; //Size: 0x0044 class ILTRenderStyles { public: D3DRenderStyles* pD3DRenderStyles; //0x0000 char pad_0004[64]; //0x0004 }; //Size: 0x0044 class CClientFileMgr { public: char pad_0000[68]; //0x0000 }; //Size: 0x0044 class IClientFileMgr { public: CClientFileMgr* pCClientFileMgr; //0x0000 char pad_0004[64]; //0x0004 }; //Size: 0x0044 class CClientShell { public: char pad_0000[68]; //0x0000 }; //Size: 0x0044 class CCamera { public: char pad_0000[68]; //0x0000 }; //Size: 0x0044 class CSideCamera { public: char pad_0000[68]; //0x0000 }; //Size: 0x0044 class CameraInstanse { public: int m_Left, m_Top, m_Right, m_Bottom; float m_xFov, m_yFov; int m_bFullScreen; LTVector m_LightAdd; }; //Size: 0x0104 class pLTObjectCamera { public: CameraInstanse* pCameraInstanse; //0x0000 D3DXVECTOR3 X; //0x0004 D3DXVECTOR3 Y; //0x0010 D3DXVECTOR3 Z; //0x001C char pad_0028[60]; //0x0028 }; //Size: 0x0064 class CCameraBase { public: CCamera* pCCamera; //0x0000 CSideCamera* pCSideCamera; //0x0004 char pad_0008[56]; //0x0008 pLTObjectCamera* pLTObject; //0x0040 char pad_0044[448]; //0x0044 }; //Size: 0x0204 class PlayerViewManager { public: char pad_0000[4]; //0x0000 LTObject* pLTObject; //0x0004 char pad_0008[48]; //0x0008 __int32 CurrentWeaponId; //0x0038 char pad_003C[24]; //0x003C float WeaponZoom; //0x0054 }; //Size: 0x0058 class CPlayerClntBase { public: char pad_0000[76]; //0x0000 __int32 CameraObject; //0x004C char pad_0050[636]; //0x0050 PlayerViewManager* pPlayerViewManager; //0x02CC char pad_02D0[488]; //0x02D0 LTObject* pLTObjectNormal; //0x04B8 LTObject* pLTObjectZM; //0x04BC char pad_04C0[4]; //0x04C0 float Yaw; //0x04C4 float Pitch; //0x04C8 float Roll; //0x04CC char pad_04D0[32]; //0x04D0 float CameraYaw; //0x04F0 char pad_04F4[128]; //0x04F4 float WalkThroughtWalls1; //0x0574 float WalkThroughtWalls2; //0x0578 float WalkThroughtWalls3; //0x057C __int32 iHealth; //0x0580 char pad_0584[88]; //0x0584 __int32 NoRecoil; //0x05DC char pad_05E0[192]; //0x05E0 __int32 iCurrentWeaponID; //0x06A0 char pad_06A4[16]; //0x06A4 __int32 NoReload; //0x06B4 char pad_06B8[796]; //0x06B8 float Gravity; //0x09D4 char pad_09D8[620]; //0x09D8 }; //Size: 0x0C44 class CCharacterHitBox //do by yourself it's easy { public: char pad_0000[324]; //0x0000 }; //Size: 0x0144 class cLTCharacterFX { public: char pad_0000[508]; //0x0000 int8_t IsDead; //0x01FC char pad_01FD[15]; //0x01FD int8_t SpawnShield; //0x020C char pad_020D[799]; //0x020D CCharacterHitBox* pCCharacterHitBox; //0x052C char pad_0530[124]; //0x0530 }; //Size: 0x05AC class CPlayer { public: char pad_0000[8]; //0x0000 LTObject* pLTObject; //0x0008 int8_t ClientID; //0x000C int8_t Team; //0x000D char Name[12]; //0x000E char pad_001A[2]; //0x001A cLTCharacterFX* CharacterFX; //0x001C __int32 PlayerSlotTeam; //0x0020 char pad_0024[4]; //0x0024 float Has_C4; //0x0028 float State; //0x002C __int32 Rank; //0x0030 char pad_0034[8]; //0x0034 int8_t Health; //0x003C char pad_003D[1]; //0x003D int8_t Kill; //0x003E char pad_003F[1]; //0x003F }; //Size: 0x0040 class IClientShellStub { public: CClientShell* pCClientShell; //0x0000 char pad_0004[36]; //0x0004 CCameraBase* pCCameraBase; //0x0028 char pad_002C[60]; //0x002C int8_t IsAlive; //0x0068 char pad_0069[7]; //0x0069 CPlayerClntBase* pCPlayerClntBase; //0x0070 int8_t InGame; //0x0074 char pad_0075[15]; //0x0075 void* ILTCSBase; //0x0084 char pad_0088[344]; //0x0088 CPlayer CPlayer; //0x01E0 // PlayerStart char pad_0220[504]; //0x0220 }; //Size: 0x0418 class CSoundMgr { public: char pad_0000[68]; //0x0000 }; //Size: 0x0044 class ILTSound { public: CSoundMgr* pCSoundMgr; //0x0000 char pad_0004[64]; //0x0004 }; //Size: 0x0044 class CLTCursor { public: char pad_0000[68]; //0x0000 }; //Size: 0x0044 class ILTCursor { public: CLTCursor* pCLTCursor; //0x0000 char pad_0004[64]; //0x0004 }; //Size: 0x0044 class CLTVideoMgr { public: char pad_0000[68]; //0x0000 }; //Size: 0x0044 class ILTVideoMgr { public: CLTVideoMgr* pCLTVideoMgr; //0x0000 char pad_0004[64]; //0x0004 }; //Size: 0x0044 class CSysTexInterFace { public: char pad_0000[68]; //0x0000 }; //Size: 0x0044 class ILTTexInterface { public: CSysTexInterFace* pCSysTexInterFace; //0x0000 char pad_0004[64]; //0x0004 }; //Size: 0x0044 class CWorldClientBSP { public: char pad_0000[68]; //0x0000 }; //Size: 0x0044 class IWorldClientBSP { public: CWorldClientBSP* pCWorldClientBSP; //0x0000 char pad_0004[128]; //0x0004 }; //Size: 0x0084 class CWorldBlindObjectData { public: char pad_0000[68]; //0x0000 }; //Size: 0x0044 class IWorldBlindObjectData { public: CWorldBlindObjectData* pCWorldBlindObjectData; //0x0000 char pad_0004[64]; //0x0004 }; //Size: 0x0044 class CUIFontManager { public: char pad_0000[68]; //0x0000 }; //Size: 0x0044 class ILTFontManager { public: CUIFontManager* pCUIFontManager; //0x0000 char pad_0004[128]; //0x0004 }; //Size: 0x0084 class pCLTRenderMgr { public: char pad_0000[68]; //0x0000 }; //Size: 0x0044 class ILTRenderMgr { public: pCLTRenderMgr* pCLTRenderMgr; //0x0000 char pad_0004[64]; //0x0004 }; //Size: 0x0044 class CWorldParticleBlockerData { public: char pad_0000[68]; //0x0000 }; //Size: 0x0044 class IWorldParticleBlockerData { public: CWorldParticleBlockerData* pCWorldParticleBlockerData; //0x0000 char pad_0004[64]; //0x0004 }; //Size: 0x0044 class ILTModelClient { public: char pad_0000[68]; //0x0000 }; //Size: 0x0044 class ILTBenchMarkMgr { public: char pad_0000[68]; //0x0000 }; //Size: 0x0044 class IWorldShareBSP { public: char pad_0000[68]; //0x0000 }; //Size: 0x0044 class ILTTransform { public: char pad_0000[132]; //0x0000 }; //Size: 0x0084 class IClientDebugGraphMgr { public: char pad_0000[68]; //0x0000 }; //Size: 0x0044 class ICommandLineArgsCommonImp { public: char pad_0000[68]; //0x0000 }; //Size: 0x0044 class IServerFileMgr { public: char pad_0000[68]; //0x0000 }; //Size: 0x0044 class CNetHandler { public: char pad_0000[68]; //0x0000 }; //Size: 0x0044 class CRezPackItm { public: char pad_0000[68]; //0x0000 }; //Size: 0x0044 class CBaseHashItem { public: char pad_0000[196]; //0x0000 }; //Size: 0x00C4 class CRezItm { public: CRezPackItm* pCRezPackItm; //0x0000 char pad_0004[28]; //0x0004 CBaseHashItem* pBaseHashItem; //0x0020 char pad_0024[32]; //0x0024 }; //Size: 0x0044 class ICompress { public: char pad_0000[68]; //0x0000 }; //Size: 0x0044 class CLTModelServer { public: char pad_0000[68]; //0x0000 }; //Size: 0x0044 class ILTModelServer { public: CLTModelServer* pCLTModelServer; //0x0000 char pad_0004[64]; //0x0004 }; //Size: 0x0044 class CLTCommonClient { public: char pad_0000[68]; //0x0000 }; //Size: 0x0044 class CLTCommonShared { public: CLTCommonClient* pCLTCommonClient; //0x0000 char pad_0004[64]; //0x0004 }; //Size: 0x0044 class CServerFunctions { public: float ShowGameVars; //0x0000 It's a function Pointer char pad_0004[8]; //0x0004 float ShowUsedFiles; //0x000C It's a function Pointer char pad_0010[8]; //0x0010 float World; //0x0018 It's a function Pointer char pad_001C[8]; //0x001C float ObjectInfo; //0x0024 It's a function Pointer char pad_0028[8]; //0x0028 float DisableWMPhysics; //0x0030 It's a function Pointer char pad_0034[8]; //0x0034 float ExhaustMemory; //0x003C It's a function Pointer char pad_0040[8]; //0x0040 float SpawnObject; //0x0048 It's a function Pointer char pad_004C[8]; //0x004C }; //Size: 0x0054 class IServerConsoleState { public: char pad_0000[20]; //0x0000 CServerFunctions* pServerFunctions; //0x0014 char pad_0018[44]; //0x0018 }; //Size: 0x0044 class ILTServer { public: char pad_0000[152]; //0x0000 virtual LTRESULT GetObjectPos(HLOCALOBJ hObj, LTVector *pPos) = 0; //0x0098 virtual LTRESULT GetObjectPos2(HLOCALOBJ hObj, LTVector *pPos) = 0; //0x009C char pad_00A0[68]; //0x00A0 virtual LTRESULT GetWorldBox(LTVector &min, LTVector &max) = 0; //0x00E4 void* FindObjectIntersections; //0x00E8 char pad_00EC[8]; //0x00EC virtual LTRESULT FindNamedObjects(const char *pName, BaseObjArray<HOBJECT> &objArray, uint32 *nTotalFound = NULL) = 0; //0x00F4 virtual LTRESULT SendToObject(ILTMessage_Read *pMsg, HOBJECT hSender, HOBJECT hSendTo, uint32 flags) = 0; //0x00F8 virtual LTRESULT SendToServer(ILTMessage_Read *pMsg, HOBJECT hSender, uint32 flags) = 0; //0x00FC virtual LTRESULT SetObjectSFXMessage(HOBJECT hObject,ILTMessage_Read *pMsg) = 0; //0x0100 virtual LTRESULT SendToClient(ILTMessage_Read *pMsg,HCLIENT hSendTo, uint32 flags) = 0; //0x0104 virtual LTRESULT SendSFXMessage(ILTMessage_Read *pMsg, uint32 flags) = 0; //0x0108 virtual LTRESULT GetClientPing(HCLIENT hClient, float &ping) = 0; //0x010C char pad_0110[8]; //0x0110 virtual LTRESULT GetClientAddr(HCLIENT hClient, uint8 pAddr[4], uint16 *pPort) = 0; //0x0118 char pad_011C[8]; //0x011C virtual LTRESULT GetObjectName(HOBJECT hObject, char *pName,uint32 nameBufSize) = 0; //0x0124 void* GetNetFlags; //0x0128 void* SetNetFlags; //0x012C char pad_0130[4]; //0x0130 void* GetClassDef; //0x0134 char pad_0138[4]; //0x0138 void* GetClassName; //0x013C char pad_0140[4]; //0x0140 void* ThreadLoadFile; //0x0144 void* UnloadFile; //0x0148 void* GetHPolyObject; //0x014C char pad_0150[1884]; //0x0150 }; //Size: 0x08AC class ILTPhysics { public: ILTServer* pLTServer; //0x0000 void* GetTcpIpAddress; //0x0004 char pad_0008[60]; //0x0008 }; //Size: 0x0044 class ILTServerPhysics { public: char pad_0000[68]; //0x0000 }; //Size: 0x0044 class CrossFire_Engine_Class { public: ILTCSBase* pLTCSBase; //0x0000 ILTDrawPrim* pLTDrawPrim; //0x0004 ILTClientPhysics* pLTClientPhysics; //0x0008 ILTWidgetManager* pLTWidgetManager; //0x000C ILTRenderStyles* pLTRenderStyles; //0x0010 IClientFileMgr* pClientFileMgr; //0x0014 IClientShellStub* pClientShellStub; //0x0018 ILTSound* pLTSound; //0x001C ILTCursor* pLTCursor; //0x0020 ILTVideoMgr* pLTVideoMgr; //0x0024 ILTTexInterface* pLTTexInterface; //0x0028 IWorldClientBSP* pWorldClientBSP; //0x002C IWorldBlindObjectData* pWorldBlindObjectData; //0x0030 ILTFontManager* pLTFontManager; //0x0034 ILTRenderMgr* pLTRenderMgr; //0x0038 IWorldParticleBlockerData* pWorldParticleBlockerData; //0x003C ILTModelClient* pLTModelClient; //0x0040 ILTBenchMarkMgr* pLTBenchMarkMgr; //0x0044 char pad_0048[4]; //0x0048 IWorldShareBSP* pWorldShareBSP; //0x004C ILTTransform* pLTTransform; //0x0050 char pad_0054[12]; //0x0054 IClientDebugGraphMgr* pClientDebugGraphMgr; //0x0060 char pad_0064[12]; //0x0064 ICommandLineArgsCommonImp* pCommandLine; //0x0070 char pad_0074[8]; //0x0074 IServerFileMgr* pServerFileMgr; //0x007C char pad_0080[8]; //0x0080 CNetHandler* pCNetHandler; //0x0088 char pad_008C[76]; //0x008C CRezItm* pCRezItm; //0x00D8 char pad_00DC[200]; //0x00DC ICompress* pCompress; //0x01A4 char pad_01A8[2000]; //0x01A8 ILTModelServer* pLTModelServer; //0x0978 char pad_097C[20]; //0x097C CLTCommonShared* pCLTCommonShared; //0x0990 char pad_0994[16]; //0x0994 IServerConsoleState* pServerConsoleState; //0x09A4 char pad_09A8[20]; //0x09A8 ILTPhysics* pILTPhysics; //0x09BC char pad_09C0[1080]; //0x09C0 ILTServerPhysics* pLTServerPhysics; //0x0DF8 char pad_0DFC[68]; //0x0DFC }; //Size: 0x0E40 CrossFire_Engine_Class *pCrossFire_Engine_Class; How get ADDR? Code: 006B51E0 /. 55 PUSH EBP 006B51E1 |. 8BEC MOV EBP,ESP 006B51E3 |. 68 94010000 PUSH 194 ; /Arg3 = 00000194 006B51E8 |. 68 E4011701 PUSH CROSSFIR.011701E4 ; |Arg2 = 011701E4 // ADDR_ENGINE_CLASS 006B51ED |. 68 BC806F00 PUSH CROSSFIR.006F80BC ; |Arg1 = 006F80BC ASCII "ILTClient.Default" 006B51F2 |. B9 44401701 MOV ECX,CROSSFIR.01174044 ; | 006B51F7 |. E8 0482D5FF CALL CROSSFIR.0040D400 ; \CROSSFIR.0040D400 006B51FC |. 68 00306D00 PUSH CROSSFIR.006D3000 006B5201 |. E8 D9DCEFFF CALL CROSSFIR.005B2EDF 006B5206 |. 83C4 04 ADD ESP,4 006B5209 |. 5D POP EBP 006B520A \. C3 RETN How to use? Code: void CALL_FUNCTIONS(int NoRecoil, int NoReload, int WTW, int FlyHack) { pCrossFire_Engine_Class = (CrossFire_Engine_Class *)(ADDR_CROSSFIRE_ENGINE_CLASS); if (pCrossFire_Engine_Class->pClientShellStub->InGame == 1) { //InGame if (NoRecoil) { pCrossFire_Engine_Class->pClientShellStub->pCPlayerClntBase->NoRecoil = 0; } if (NoReload) { pCrossFire_Engine_Class->pClientShellStub->pCPlayerClntBase->NoReload= 12; } if (WTW) { if (GetAsyncKeyState('T')) { pCrossFire_Engine_Class->pClientShellStub->pCPlayerClntBase->WalkThroughtWalls1 = -56.0f; pCrossFire_Engine_Class->pClientShellStub->pCPlayerClntBase->WalkThroughtWalls2 = -140.0f; pCrossFire_Engine_Class->pClientShellStub->pCPlayerClntBase->WalkThroughtWalls3 = -56.0f; } } if (FlyHack) { if (GetAsyncKeyState('F')) // FlyHack { pCrossFire_Engine_Class->pClientShellStub->pCPlayerClntBase->Gravity = -2.5f; } else { pCrossFire_Engine_Class->pClientShellStub->pCPlayerClntBase->Gravity = 1.0f; } } } else { //Lobby } } This class have more acess but i got lazy... try find bobo Code: class CrossFire_Engine_Class { public: ILTCSBase* pLTCSBase; //0x0000 ILTDrawPrim* pLTDrawPrim; //0x0004 ILTClientPhysics* pLTClientPhysics; //0x0008 ILTWidgetManager* pLTWidgetManager; //0x000C ILTRenderStyles* pLTRenderStyles; //0x0010 IClientFileMgr* pClientFileMgr; //0x0014 IClientShellStub* pClientShellStub; //0x0018 ILTSound* pLTSound; //0x001C ILTCursor* pLTCursor; //0x0020 ILTVideoMgr* pLTVideoMgr; //0x0024 ILTTexInterface* pLTTexInterface; //0x0028 IWorldClientBSP* pWorldClientBSP; //0x002C IWorldBlindObjectData* pWorldBlindObjectData; //0x0030 ILTFontManager* pLTFontManager; //0x0034 ILTRenderMgr* pLTRenderMgr; //0x0038 IWorldParticleBlockerData* pWorldParticleBlockerData; //0x003C ILTModelClient* pLTModelClient; //0x0040 ILTBenchMarkMgr* pLTBenchMarkMgr; //0x0044 char pad_0048[4]; //0x0048 IWorldShareBSP* pWorldShareBSP; //0x004C ILTTransform* pLTTransform; //0x0050 char pad_0054[12]; //0x0054 IClientDebugGraphMgr* pClientDebugGraphMgr; //0x0060 char pad_0064[12]; //0x0064 ICommandLineArgsCommonImp* pCommandLine; //0x0070 char pad_0074[8]; //0x0074 IServerFileMgr* pServerFileMgr; //0x007C char pad_0080[8]; //0x0080 CNetHandler* pCNetHandler; //0x0088 char pad_008C[76]; //0x008C CRezItm* pCRezItm; //0x00D8 char pad_00DC[200]; //0x00DC ICompress* pCompress; //0x01A4 char pad_01A8[2000]; //0x01A8 ILTModelServer* pLTModelServer; //0x0978 char pad_097C[20]; //0x097C CLTCommonShared* pCLTCommonShared; //0x0990 char pad_0994[16]; //0x0994 IServerConsoleState* pServerConsoleState; //0x09A4 char pad_09A8[20]; //0x09A8 ILTPhysics* pILTPhysics; //0x09BC char pad_09C0[1080]; //0x09C0 ILTServerPhysics* pLTServerPhysics; //0x0DF8 char pad_0DFC[68]; //0x0DFC }; //Size: 0x0E40 My old reverse ILTCSBase Code: class ILTCSBase { public: void(*function01)(); //0x0000 Acess to ILTClient void(*function02)(); //0x0004 void(*function03)(); //0x0008 void(*function04)(); //0x000C void(*function05)(); //0x0010 void(*function06)(); //0x0014 void(*function07)(); //0x0018 void(*function08)(); //0x001C void(*function09)(); //0x0020 void(*function10)(); //0x0024 void(*function11)(); //0x0028 void(*function12)(); //0x002C void(*function13)(); //0x0030 void(*function14)(); //0x0034 void(*function15)(); //0x0038 void(*function16)(); //0x003C void(*function17)(); //0x0040 void(*function18)(); //0x0044 void(*function19)(); //0x0048 void(*function20)(); //0x004C void(*function21)(); //0x0050 void(*function22)(); //0x0054 void(*function23)(); //0x0058 void(*function24)(); //0x005C void(*function25)(); //0x0060 void(*function26)(); //0x0064 void(*function27)(); //0x0068 void(*function28)(); //0x006C bool(WINAPIV *IntersectSegment)(IntersectQuery &iQuery, IntersectInfo *Info); //0x0070 void(*function30)(); //0x0074 void(*function31)(); //0x0078 void(*function32)(); //0x007C void(*function33)(); //0x0080 void(*function34)(); //0x0084 LTRESULT(*GetGameMode)(int *mode); //0x0088 LTRESULT(*StartGame)(/*StartGameRequest * int pRequest); //0x008C LTRESULT(*GetLocalClientID)(uint32 *pID); //0x0090 void(*IsConnected)(); //0x0094 bool(*DisconnectRoom)(); //0x0098 void(*Shutdown)(); //0x009C void(*Shutdown2)(); //0x00A0 LTRESULT(*GetPointShade)(LTVector *pPoint, LTVector *pColor); //0x00A4 LTRESULT(*FlipScreen)(uint32 flags); //0x00A8 LTRESULT(*Start3D)(); //0x00AC LTRESULT(*RenderCamera)(HLOCALOBJ hCamera, float fFrameTime); //0x00B0 LTRESULT(*RenderObjects)(HLOCALOBJ hCamera, HLOCALOBJ *pObjects, int nObjects, float fFrameTime); //0x00B4 LTRESULT(*ClearScreen)(LTRect *pClearRect, uint32 flags, LTRGB* pClearColor); //0x00B8 LTRESULT(*MakeCubicEnvMap)(HLOCALOBJ hCamera, uint32 nSize, const char* pszFilePrefix); //0x00BC LTRESULT(*StartOptimized2D)(); //0x00C0 LTRESULT(*EndOptimized2D)(); //0x00C4 LTRESULT(*SetOptimized2DBlend)(LTSurfaceBlend blend); //0x00C8 LTRESULT(*GetOptimized2DBlend)(LTSurfaceBlend &blend); //0x00CC void(*function53)(); //0x00D0 LTRESULT(*End3D)(uint32 flags); //0x00D4 void(*function55)(); //0x00D8 LTRESULT(*GetOptimized2DColor)(HLTCOLOR &hColor); //0x00DC RMode *(*GetRenderModes)(); //0x00E0 void(*RelinquishRenderModes)(RMode *pModes); //0x00E4 LTRESULT(*GetRenderMode)(RMode *pMode); //0x00E8 LTRESULT(*SetRenderMode)(RMode *pMode); //0x00EC LTRESULT(*ShutdownRender)(uint32 flags); //0x00F0 void(*function62)(); //0x00F4 void(*function63)(); //0x00F8 void(*function64)(); //0x00FC void(*function65)(); //0x0100 void(*function66)(); //0x0104 void(*function67)(); //0x0108 void(*function68)(); //0x010C void(*function69)(); //0x0110 void(*function70)(); //0x0114 void(*function71)(); //0x0118 void(*function72)(); //0x011C void(*function73)(); //0x0120 LTRESULT(*GetBorderSize)(HSURFACE hSurface, HLTCOLOR hColor, LTRect *pRect); //0x0124 LTRESULT(*OptimizeSurface)(HSURFACE hSurface, HLTCOLOR hTransparentColor); //0x0128 LTRESULT(*UnoptimizeSurface)(HSURFACE hSurface); //0x012C void(*function77)(); //0x0130 void(*function78)(); //0x0134 void(*function79)(); //0x0138 void(*function80)(); //0x013C void(*function81)(); //0x0140 void(*function82)(); //0x0144 void(*function83)(); //0x0148 void(*function84)(); //0x014C void(*function85)(); //0x0150 void(*function86)(); //0x0154 void(*function87)(); //0x0158 void(*function88)(); //0x015C void(*function89)(); //0x0160 void(*function90)(); //0x0164 void(*function91)(); //0x0168 void(*function92)(); //0x016C void(*function93)(); //0x0170 void(*function94)(); //0x0174 void(*function95)(); //0x0178 void(*function96)(); //0x017C void(*function97)(); //0x0180 void(*function98)(); //0x0184 void(*function99)(); //0x0188 void(*function100)(); //0x018C void(*function101)(); //0x0190 void(*function102)(); //0x0194 void(*function103)(); //0x0198 void(*function104)(); //0x019C void(*function105)(); //0x01A0 void(*function106)(); //0x01A4 void(*function107)(); //0x01A8 void(*function108)(); //0x01AC void(*function109)(); //0x01B0 void(*function110)(); //0x01B4 void(*function111)(); //0x01B8 void(*function112)(); //0x01BC void(*function113)(); //0x01C0 void(*function114)(); //0x01C4 void(*function115)(); //0x01C8 void(*function116)(); //0x01CC void(*function117)(); //0x01D0 void(*function118)(); //0x01D4 void(*function119)(); //0x01D8 void(*function120)(); //0x01DC void(*function121)(); //0x01E0 void(*function122)(); //0x01E4 void(*function123)(); //0x01E8 void(*function124)(); //0x01EC void(*function125)(); //0x01F0 void(*function126)(); //0x01F4 void(*function127)(); //0x01F8 float(*GetGameTime)(); //0x01FC float(*GetGameFrameTime)(); //0x0200 void(*function130)(); //0x0204 void(*function131)(); //0x0208 void(*function132)(); //0x020C void(WINAPIV *RunConsoleCommand)(CHAR *Command); //0x0210 void(*function134)(); //0x0214 void(*function135)(); //0x0218 void(*function136)(); //0x021C void(*function137)(); //0x0220 void(*function138)(); //0x0224 void(*function139)(); //0x0228 void(*function140)(); //0x022C void(*function141)(); //0x0230 void(*function142)(); //0x0234 void(*function143)(); //0x0238 LTRESULT SendToServer(/*ILTMessage_Read int *pMsg, uint32 flags); //0x023C LTRESULT GetServerIPAddress(uint8 pAddr[4], uint16 *pPort); //0x0240 };//Size=0x0244 Stuffs Code: struct RMode { //! Does this mode support hardware TnL? bool m_bHWTnL; //! This is what the DLLs use to identify a card. char m_InternalName[128]; //! This is a 'friendly' string describing the card. char m_Description[128]; //! The dimensions and bit depth of this mode uint32 m_Width, m_Height, m_BitDepth; //! The next mode in the list RMode *m_pNext; }; enum LTSurfaceBlend { LTSURFACEBLEND_ALPHA, //! Alpha blend (lerp(src, dest, alpha)) LTSURFACEBLEND_SOLID, //! Solid (src) LTSURFACEBLEND_ADD, //! Add (src + dest) LTSURFACEBLEND_MULTIPLY, //! Multiply (src * dest) LTSURFACEBLEND_MULTIPLY2, //! Multiply * 2 (src * dest * 2) LTSURFACEBLEND_MASK, //! Mask ((1 - src) * dest) LTSURFACEBLEND_MASKADD //! Mask & Add (src + (1 - src) * dest) }; class LTRect { public: /*! \param l x position of left side \param t y position of top side \param r x position of right side \param b y position of bottom side Used for: Misc. */ LTRect(int l = 0, int t = 0, int r = 0, int b = 0) : left(l), top(t), right(r), bottom(b) {} /*! \param inLeft x position of left side \param inTop y position of top side \param inRight x position of right side \param inBottom y position of bottom side Initialize the values. Used for: 2D Rendering. */ void Init(int inLeft, int inTop, int inRight, int inBottom) { left = inLeft; top = inTop; right = inRight; bottom = inBottom; } int left, top, right, bottom; }; struct LTRGB { uint8 b, g, r, a; }; Hey bro, how you do this? I used REClass Credits: ReClass and dreek1 GoodBye playerup : (