Sold Courtesy of Cartoon193 All locations found with...

Discussion in 'Runescape Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Ahmed Wahaba, 6/13/13.

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  1. Ahmed Wahaba

    Ahmed Wahaba
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    courtesy of Cartoon193 All locations found with Jagex Mod assistance are marked with an [M] to represent 100% confirmation. All locations confirmed by players or have been reported as found there several times are marked with a [P] to represent it likely being a real spawn. Varrock 1) Near the Zamorak monk caged in castle (requires telegrab) [P] 2) Varrock museum near the 4 downstairs staircases (can be both above and below the staircases) [M] 3) Bear cage behind castle (accessed from the sewers) [M] 4) Sawmill (reported near fence) (not had a report in a while, so watch whole sawmill) 5) East side of the gate separating Varrock from Morytania and somewhat to the north [P] 6) Between the Armour and Ranged shops in Varrock Edgeville 7) Outside general store [M] 8) In the monestary near the altar [P] 9) In house with men north of bank (1st and 2nd floors reported) [P] 10) Inside the bank (reported in two different places, so just keep an eye on whole bank) Lumbridge 11) South-west Lumbridge swamp, just east of monk [M] 12) Near the doomsayer [M] 13) Duke Horacio’s room [M] F2P Al-Kharid 14) Near the duel arena entrance (also reported in building just north of entrance) [P] 15) Scimitar shop (upstairs)
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    Ahmed Wahaba

    Ahmed Wahaba
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    Falador 16) Hair dressers (2nd floor) [P] 17) Upstairs in Falador Pub [M] 18) Falador Square (center) [P] 19) Shield shop (2nd floor, between dressers and mirror, near bed and screen) 20) Falador Garden near bridge and garden beds (also reported by Wyson’s house so watch the whole garden) [M] 21) Top floor of the 3-story house in East Falador [M] 22) North of Falador east bank (can also be northwest, not in garden) [M] 23) Upstairs in house north of well in east falador (south of party room) [P] 24) Mining Guild entrance near ladders above ground south of bank [M] 25) Inside the mining guild (various spawns inside so check whole of it) [M] 26) Dwarven mine, near area mining guild entrance [M] 27) In the opening in front of the farm south of Falador and north of Port Sarim [M] 28) Near the compost bin and allotment patches south of Falador [M] 29) Next to Miazrqa east of Goblin Village (reported east of her castle as well) [M] Rimmington 30) Melzar’s Maze, Right next to Melzar [M] 31) Upstairs in the house east of the fountain [P] 32) In front of general store (also reported in front of house portal) [M] 33) Rimmington mine (reported in several spots, so watch whole mine) [M] 34) Crafting Guild in the mine (also reported upstairs and in building, so watch whole guild) [M] Draynor 35) Wizards Tower Basement (reported in several spots so watch whole basement) [P] 36) Draynor Manor in the room east of Ava’s (also reported in Ava’s room) [M]
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    Ahmed Wahaba

    Ahmed Wahaba
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    F2P Wilderness – All listed deepness levels are approximations BEWARE OF PKERS, BANK YOUR ITEMS!! 37) Level 5/6 near wizards (roughly north of Falador) [M] 38) Level 5 at the Abyss Zamorak Mage north of Edgeville [P] 39) Level 6/7 near scorpions (probably north of Varrock, but not certain) [M] 40) Level 14 near statue north of Edgeville [M] 41) Level 27/28 Boneyard (roughly north of Varrock) [M] 42) Level 15 Center of Dark Warriors Castle [M] 43) Level 22 Bandit Camp (roughly north of ice mountain) [M] 44) Level 23 at the patch of very dark land west of boneyard and east of bandit camp [P] 45) Level 30 Hobgoblin mine [M] 46) In and around the cage with ladder leading to K*D [M] 47) Deep in the Lava Maze near the cages and demons [M] 48) Level 36-38 near eastern green dragons (can also be near the teleport obelisk) [M] Other F2P locations 49) Rune Essence mines near the center [M] 50) Bottom floor of Stronghold of Security [M] F2P Karamja 51) South of the mahogany trees on Karamja (could possibly mean Khazari jungle, wasn’t specified, post if you know) [M] 52) Inside the volcano near Tzharr entrance (reported at east of red spiders, west of gold ore and north of the demons) [M] 53) Around the fence of Tai Bwo Wannai village (this could be the same as 49) [M] Yanille 54) Magic guild basement, ground floor and second floor (also reported on other floors) [M] 55) House with Entrance to Yanille dungeon, South east of Magic Guild [M] 56) Upstairs in Hazelmere’s House (same floor as him, east of Yanille) [P] 57) Inside the Fight Arena (can be telegrabed from north side of fence) [M] 58) Island with ogres to the west of Yanille (Telegrab suggested) [M] 59) Several spawns within Yanille agility dungeon: past the monkey bars (sometimes telegrabable), near the skeletons, near Sigbert the Adventurer, near Salarin the Twisted/sinister chest (if not telegrabing, requires 82 thieving or 57 agil) [M]
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    Ahmed Wahaba

    Ahmed Wahaba
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    Ardougne 60) Top floor in Church (other floors have also been reported) [P] 61) Unicorn cage in zoo BIS fairy ring to go in cage (telegrab required if not using fairy rings) [M] 62) By the hellhounds in the Family Crest dungeon east of Ardougne [M] 63) Top floor of Legends’ guild (west side) [M] 64) Outside the Legends’ guild door near fountain to the east of door [M] 65) Basement of Legends’ guild around the Shadow Warriors [M] 66) North of Ardougne with the farmers (unclear if this means farm patch or farm shop) [M] Fremmenik Lands 67) Relleka (in front of longhall/near entrance) 68) Near Askeladden on Waterbirth Island [M] 69) Lunar Isle, north east near dungeon and Suqah [M] 70) Pirates’ Cove near Jake and near moss giants) [M] 71) Upstairs in the lighthouse [P] 72) Outside the lighthouse [M] 73) Slayer dungeon near the Cockatrices 74) Barbarian Agility course [M] Seer’s/Camelot/Catherby 75) Water Obelisk north of ladder (can telegrab from Catherby fishing spot) [M] 76) Ranged Guild [M] 77) Catherby farming patch (reported just east of the allotments) [M] 78) Behind Seer’s village bank [M] Tirranwn (Elvish Lands) 79) Lletya near Altar (reported outside and inside of building) [M] 80) Outside the entrance to Lletya, near dire wolves [M] 81) North-east Tirranwn at the red spiders (near limestone mine) [M] 82) Elf camp in north-west Tirranwn (was near a tent on MMK’s stream) [M] P2P Kharidian Desert 83) Mage Training Arena bottom floor (near middle and near entrance) [M] 84) Bandit Camp - Southeast of General Store 85) Just past Shantay Pass near the magic carpet (also reported slightly west of here) [M] 86) Kalphite lair Queen room, Take extreme caution! (seemingly a common spawn based on JMod live stream) [M] 87) Top of Desert Treasure pyramid [P] 88) East of sandstone quarry in desert [M] 89) Centre of Nardah near Ali the Carter (west of fountain) [M]
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    Ahmed Wahaba

    Ahmed Wahaba
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    P2P Karamja and Ape Atoll 90) Crash Island near Lumdo [M] 91) Near the nature altar [M] 92) Shilo Village near the undead by entrance (between the cart and gate) [M] Morytania 93) Slayer tower near the Bloodvelds [M] 94) Slayer tower near the Nechryael [M] 95) Morytania Haunted Woods near the ALQ Fairy Ring [M] 96) Upstairs at the Ectofuntos [M] 97) Various spawns around Canafis near buildings [M] 98) Mort’ton (north-west of boat, on the crossroads leading to worn down temple) [M] 99) Dragontooth Isle near the Ghost Captain [M] 100) Above ground around the Abandoned mine (on MMK’s stream it was south of the mine near the coast and then also east near the shortcut to Burgh de Rott) [M] 101) Nature Spirit’s Grotto near the green bowl [M] P2P Wilderness – All listed deepness levels are approximations 102) Level 7 Edgeville dungeon near earth warriors [M] 103) Edgeville dungeon near Chronozon [M] 104) Air Obelisk (could bring telegrab for easier access) [M] 105) Around the black demons near entrance to Air Obelisk [M] 106) Level 54 Scorpion pit west of castle near chaos elemental [M] 107) Axe hut west of scorpion pit (reported spawn is just south of door) [M] 108) Inside the Mage Arena [M] 109) Level 55 Entrance to the Rogues’ Castle in north east wilderness (near the chaos elemental) [P]
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