So firstly, thank you for offering what seems to be a pretty legitimate trading website. I am completely new to this and plan on making one transaction than hope to be done with this whole affair. I searched for a while and this seems to be the only trustworthy website so I will put all my cards into you guys! Enough about that, now for my actual questions; I see that I should have an active link setup with a middleman before making a selling post, but how exactly does the transfer occur? I see that buyers seem to be better valued, that the payment only goes through when the account is confirmed. (EDIT) Lastly, I am not quite sure as to how much these services actually cost. I see advertised that you cover transfer fees, but really no others prices available. I would just appreciate if I could be told a flat fee, or a rough estimate. If it helps, I plan on selling a clash of clans account using paypal services only. Thank you for listening and sorry for the long read! Obviously I am a bit skeptical and as I said, plan to only do this once so would be happy to see this go smoothly, as I assume it will involve a decent amount. Jacob
I am going to send you a private message now as many of your questions it would be appropriate to answer privately.