Selling  Level 120+  Total Level 2500+ Completionist cape rs3 account [PVM READY]

Discussion in 'Runescape 3 RS3 Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Apastron, 8/2/21.

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  1. Apastron

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    Here are some of the things the account has:

    - a completionist cape (includes titles like sandy and salty, the account is also nearing a trimmed completionist cape)
    - 2.8b+ wealth
    - 120 attack, 120 constitution, 120 mining, 120 agility, 120 herblore, 120 range, 120 fletching, 120 woodcutting, 120 slayer, 120 farming, 120 hunter, 120 summoning, 120 dungeoneering, 120 invention (200m xp) and 120 archeology. 15/28 120s. (bunch of dxp in some skills that are easy to wipe out of the way)
    - Around half a year of membership left - Almost maxed ports (missing a few scroll pieces, portmaster title obtained)
    - 21 skilling pets.
    - 5 boss pets.
    - T92 meelee and magic gear, range is t80 but all of the equipment sets have BIS or near BIS perks.
    - Bunch of limited time cosmetics from past years and lucky items that take a long time to get.

    Some images:
    wealth evaluator.jpg
    gear.jpg potions.jpg

    I am the original owner of the account and i can always help you in case any problems arise. The account is perfect for someone who wants to start pvming in groups. I no longer care for the game but I know that the buyer of this account will for many years to come.

    Payment methods:

    - Litecoin, eth, btc or tether
    - CSGO skins (good liquidity: awp asiimovs, redlines etc)

    #1 Apastron, 8/2/21
    Last edited: 8/2/21
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