Clash Royale 7500 3 elite cards, every other cards are at least lvl 12 (2 cards aren’t maybe, hadn’t opened CR in a long time), at least a third of the cards are lvl 14 (40+ cards) 13 evo cards 141 emotes 25+ King tower skins Brawlstars (most interesting one): 45.000 85/85 Brawlers 25 Hypercharges, 30+ Brawlers full maxed ❇️ more than 2/3 (two thirds) of all starpowers and gadgets unlocked. 190+ skins, skin Hypercharge Mortis ‼️ Clash of Clans TH 12 / Maxed out walls, troops.. Some skins on Heroes, Squadbuster Lvl 150, almost all heroes are 3, some are 4 Skins on almost all heroes Dm me here or Check me up on Facebook : Unity Seller I can join lobby/add on any of these game, it’s the same supercell account. I have pics for those who want (can’t post here). I know it’s a group for CR mainly but this Supercell account isn’t sold only for it’s CR so don’t expect me to take seriously any offer that’d be less than a hundred of euros. Btw idk what is that token love you # #/FineCoach # .