Hi guys, I've been playing Lost Saga for quite a while now, and I've gotten pretty far in the game. I've been thinking of quitting and wanting to sell this account also for a while. I'll accept a variety of offers considering how much is on this account. Now, about the account. There are a total of 23 perm heros. IGN - MikoReimuu The List of Heros-from the top down 1. Desperado 2.Sol Badguy 3.Sorcerer 4.Witch 5.Barbarian 6.Graffiti Artist 7.Grim Reaper 8.Dokkaebi 9.Succubus 10.Devil Ranger 11.Lucifer 12.Nine-tailed fox 13.Exorcist 14.Savage Berserker 15. Chaos Refud 16.V-Mech 17.Samurai 18.Jin Kisaragi 19.Shadow Assasin 20.Fencer(Zorro) 21.Infantry 22.Werewolf 23.Neptum Gears Weapons 16 weapons all of which goes with one of the heroes. Armors 65 armors, of 31 legendary armors Helmets 45 helmets, of 16 are legendary Trinkets 56 Trinkets, of which 26 are legendary ***182 gears*** (not 200+ mb) any interested can leave a comment or sent an email to [email protected] the price for this acc will be 80 dollars