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Discussion in 'Lost Ark Accounts Buy & Sell - LAO Account for Sale' started by BoomBoiz, 7/2/24.

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  1. BoomBoiz

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    Breaker Brawl King Storm 1620.83 21 Weap Already 50.90% artisan to 22 - 5x3+1 Adren x2 lv 10dmg gem,x1 lv 10cd gem,x4 lv 9cd gem,res lv 8cd/dmg event - 40 elixir Master
    Striker Deathblow 1613.33 20 Weap - 5x3+1 EP x3 lv 9dmg gem,x2 lv 9cd gem,res lv 7cd gem - 35 elixir critical
    Artist Full Bloom 1600 - 5x3 x7 lv 7cd gem,res event gem lv 5 - 35 elixir luminary
    Wardancer Esoteric skill enhancement Qual Weap 100 1593.33 - 5x3+1 Eso x2 lv 9dmg gem,x1 lv 9cd gem,res lv 7/8 cd/dmg event gem
    Glaivier Pinnacle 1590.83 - 5x3+1 Adren x4 lv 9dmg gem,res lv 7/8 cd/dmg gem
    Gunlancer Lone Knight 1590 - 5x3+1 CR full lv 7/8 cd/dmg gem
    Slayer Predator 1543.33 - 5x3 event gem lv 5
    Machinist Arthetinean Skill 1541.66 - 5x3+1 Adren event gem lv 7
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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