Sold Cleric lvl 73 Israphael Asmodian 4*

Discussion in 'Aion Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by edMast3r, 5/20/17.

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  1. edMast3r

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    Hello everyone !
    Details ,

    PVE HP - Mythic AC set armors , mace and shield , all +10 with all manastones 100 hp
    PVE Dps - Marchutan Cloth Set , manastones +28 mb

    PVP Block - Divine Nimble set ( Arena gear ) with lvl 75 ac shield (manastone hp +7) and Blood Medal mace +15
    PVP MR- Blood Medal cloth set+15 (manastone mr +16) Awakened Asherion +15 and Ap cera shield +15
    PVP DPS - Eclipse set +15

    -5 bil kinah
    -Pets / Bags / Skins
    -60k GP
    -4 mil AP
    -lvl 67 Gunner with 900k AP
    -lvl 67 Spiritmaster

    I have many other things , for more info's,details respond here or better contact me via mail , Skype or Facebook. . The adress for this is : [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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