Hi, I understand if I want to sell my linked CoC account that I'll need to turn over both the game center ID, and the google play account. What I don't think I understood when I linked the account to my device was that I would be linking it to the google account that the android phone was signed into. As a result the game linked to my primary google account. In looking through information from google i wasn't able to figure out a way to separate my google play id from my other google accounts, specifically my gmail. I was wondering if Playerup had any specific instructions for dealing with this kind of problem. I'd be happy to give up the google play account if I could keep my gmail account, etc. Do you know of a way to do this? Thanks
I received a message that ticket was closed because there was an answer, but I have not seen any response to the query.
What account information does the seller need to provide the buyer? Full Access to the Apple ID/Gamecenter Account, and/or Full Access to the Gmail Address