Selling  6500 Gems  Both Android/iOS  1-60 Minutes Clash of Clans | Gems + Package Log-in TopUp | Cheap - Fast - Safety

Discussion in 'Clash of Clan Gems | COC Gem for Sale' started by NTKennnn, 9/9/24.

  1. NTKennnn

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    Hello guy, my name is Ken, welcome to my store service and hope you guys having a good time with me

    I have been working on this market for like 5-6 years without any issue from many site, now PlayerUp is my best choice to do this.

    So how the service gonna work?

    All the purchase will be done by hand (its mean im gonna log in and make the purchase)
    Account 100% sercurity, no #, no ban, no refund
    Guarantee, warranty and safety
    I can explain everythings about how this one work if u guys have more question.

    Prices list:

    :sun:99.99$ Package = $82
    :sun:49.99$ Package = $41.5
    :sun:19.99$ Package = $16.6

    For others packs, dealing prices for bulk or any question about this kindly DM me
    Payment method:

    Bitcoin - USDT - USDC - Crypto - Wise - Paypal

    Contact me:
    PlayerUp Direct Message
    : @ntkenn
    Whatsapp: +84968316220
    Discord: ruaf / 353718079479349248

    Hope you guys can enjoy the best service from me, good luck and have fun guys ;)
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