Sold Clash of Clans account Town Hall 12 (th12)Name Change requires 500 gems - Gems available 2000+

Discussion in 'Clash of Clan Accounts | COC Account for Sale' started by Beaufort, 10/18/19.

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  1. Beaufort

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    My Location:
    Price $:
    Make Offer
    Clash of Clans account Town Hall 12 (th12)
    Supercell ID : No
    - Email & password will be given
    Name Change requires 500 gems
    - Gems available 2000+
    - Barbarian King lv 60 (max)
    - Archer Queen lv 60 (max)
    - Grand Warden lv 30 (max)
    - Max all defense except a hiden tesla
    - Near max all wall
    - Max all troop
    - Max all spell
    Builder Hall lv 8
    - Max Battle machine lv 25
    War stars : 1875
    How you get it?
    email and password for login will be given
    How Long?
    You will get as soon as possible when I got online, usually in 10 minute to 12 hours, because maybe we are in a big different zone time, so be patient
    -- Please contact me for question --
    > Please contact me if you want purchasing

    Discord: RidgeDrive#7709
    Gmail: [email protected]
    The Price is : 150$

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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