Sold CLASH OF CLANS Account - Level 104 TH9 - almost full maxed

Discussion in 'Clash of Clan Old Accounts | COC Accounts Sold' started by MrRIP, 6/10/14.

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  1. MrRIP

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    Hello, I'm selling my clash of clans account level 104, Town Hall 9 and Almost full maxed to the Top. I had my playtime done in this game but there is a lot fun still waiting for you.

    * Barabrian king lvl 10
    * Archer Queen lvl 9

    * 503 gems waiting to be used (as you can see in the print)
    PS: ''I spend more than $400 in gems during the game to be at that level, consider this when looking at the price...''

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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