Sold City 66 almost 200 mil influ acc , 1,5 mil t4

Discussion in 'The Grand Mafia TGM Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Tormund G, 3/17/21.

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  1. Tormund G

    Tormund G
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    No more time for game decided to sell great acc ranked 7 in city 66 , city few weeks before gouv wars and acc is ready .
    Selling for 2000$ 1/4 I spend, no chance to get any close to this account without spending 8k$ + great amount of time .
    8 grand enforcers , 1 elite , few rare and many more almost all lvl 60
    VIP 13
    416% hitman attack , 421 bruiser attack
    Full rare kings hitman/bruiser , missing mostly just few contracts to upgrade elite , all gems inside gear rare few elite - prob best hitman stats in city , if not best then top 3
    Full rare kingpin set except weapon
    Simple offset biker kings set filled with rare/elite gems - can be dismantled to get missing contracts for main spec
    6 grand construction 384,87% construction speed
    5 grand invest- 310,51% invest speed
    378,2% training speed
    Except Joanna babes lvl 4 , Julia lvl 5 , lvl 9 invest speed
    97% kingpins invest
    96% equipment invest
    Almost 1,6 mil t4 troops
    463,000 diamonds production per hour , over 50 mil still in inventory
    1h 8 min to rob lvl 4 diamond tile
    50 direct ports in inventory
    Over 1mil faction points
    Much over 300 family,faction task reset
    Lots of Pvp buffs ....etc , etc
    Acc is was run very well ,been preparing to play top league , finishing at low cost defence and adv def will allow eat full t4 rally’s of top players

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    #1 Tormund G, 3/17/21
    Last edited: 3/18/21
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    Tormund G

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    Crew and invest progress

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    #2 Tormund G, 3/17/21
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    Tormund G

    Tormund G
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    #3 Tormund G, 3/18/21
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