Selling  Android and iOS  City #1634, M30, 13.6M Power, T10 Unlocked, 5.4M Contract Power, SVIP 7, 300K Gold + MORE

Discussion in 'Mafia City Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Raccoonegggs, 4/16/23.

  1. Raccoonegggs

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    IMG_9762.png IMG_9766.png IMG_9769.png IMG_9763.png IMG_9774.png IMG_9773.png IMG_9772.png IMG_9771.png IMG_9777.png IMG_9768.png

    Hello, I am selling my mafia city account, + farm (1.1M power), I am selling my accounts because I am no longer interested in the game, everything you see here is legit and has been grind-ed for myself, my account is the 3rd in the city with power and my clan is second as well, 270M+ power roughly.

    Troops, All troops are either T7 or higher, I have 0 troops lower than T7, about half my troops are T9, and T10 is increasing.

    If more info is needed regarding the account please don't be shy, I will take offers as well, as I am more a less looking to get away from the game ASAP, the power will slightly increase each day until sold, and same with troops and other stats!

    MAD CLAN, I have been in this clan since the beginning of the city in December of 2022, I joined then the clan had roughly 1.3 million power and have stayed since, I owned the clan for roughly 3 months before stepping down, the clan rotates between the mayors office with another clan called CRU.

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