Sold (Citadel) 1888 Premium Days Remaining, 57 Account bound Premium Weapons,Account Lifetime Vehicles

Discussion in 'All Points Bulletin Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Vizlijs, 4/12/17.

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  1. Vizlijs

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    1.Has 6 Character Slots
    2. All The Stuff is account bound Which means you can delete characters and make new ones, all the guns will be on the new character.
    3. If you need more Proof or information PM me here.
    4. 1888 days 23 hours left of Premium
    5. You've spent 236,328 G1C resulting in a total of US$2,954.10 (Based on

    Juggernaut Strike Pack (Phase 4)
    Pack of Revelations Pass (Phase 2)
    Pack of Revelations Pass (Phase 1)
    Juggernaut Strike Pack (Early Access)
    Key to the World Pack
    APB Steam Retail Pack(2x)
    Key to the City Pack
    Criminal High Roller Bundle
    Guerra Libero LE Bundle
    Cheetah M2 Mikro Bundle (Vehicle + Kit)
    Vegas Rocker Bundle w/ Vegas Rhino 4x4

    Weapons (All Account Lifetime)
    N-HVR 762 Dvah
    OCA-EW 626 'Whisper' PR2
    Joker CR-5
    N-HVR 243 'Scout' RT1
    ACT 44 'Last Stand'
    Scoped N-TEC 5 RT1
    Colby CSG-20 RT1
    JG-1040 Tactical
    S-AS PDW 'Hotfoot'
    N-HVR 243-SD PR2
    Colby M-1922 Mk3
    VAS-R2 'Sword' NFCP 3
    ATAC 424 'Mercenary'
    PDW-57 'Stiletto'
    PSR 'Harrier' R&D III
    Obeya SLR-762 'Spartan'
    Agrotech ACES R&D III
    CBMP-45 'Bolt'
    Joker C9 'Hornet'
    Joker C9 'Wasp'
    FAR 'Spearhead'
    FR0G 'Thumbnail'
    VAS-C2 PR3 'Trouble Maker'
    N-TEC 5 Dvah
    ATAC 424 'Patroller'
    STAC 10 Tactical R&D III
    VAS-C2 PR3 'Tin Soldier'
    Norseman 'Odin'
    Norseman 'Hel'
    Norseman 'Hoenir'
    Norseman 'Tyr'
    STAC 10 - Scope R&D III
    Agrotech DMR-AV PR2
    Colby .45 AP
    OCA-EW 626-SD NFCP3
    ATAC 424 'Watchman'
    N-ISSR-B 'Dog-Ear'
    STAR 556 R&D III
    S1-FA 'Frenzy'
    Colby PMG MK 4
    VBR 'Temptress'
    Obeya CAP40-C NFCP 2
    S1-NA 'Manic'
    S1-TIC 'Rabid'
    SG-21 'Strife'
    R-2 'Harbinger'
    H-9 'Curse'
    AR-97 'Misery'
    S-247 'Oblivion'
    Pathfinder PR1
    AMG-556 'Euryale'
    Obeya FBW - SD

    Vehicles (All Account Lifetime)
    Packer Vengador V141A4
    Patriot Vegas G24
    Cisco Z180 'Ophelia'
    Carge Raptor SRX
    Patriot Vegas G24 4x4 Rhino
    Seiyo Bighorn V4
    Growl S4
    Packer Toreador V141A4
    Patriot Vegas G24
    Cisco Z180 'New-Cross'
    Charge Cheetah M2
    Patriot Vegas G24 4x4 Rhino
    Seiyo Mammoth V4
    Growl S4
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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