Selling [Cheat] ⭐✅ExogoCS2ESP ONLY✅ FREE ✅

Discussion in 'Counter Strike 2 Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell CS2 Accounts' started by orangekushqc, 9/30/23.

  1. orangekushqc

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    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

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    [ + ] - Work windows 10 maximum 22H2
    [ + ] - Work with nvidia card for overlay
    [ + ] - not work faceit
    [INSERT] ---> OPEN MENU <---
    [F1] Crosshair on/off
    [F2] Health on/off
    [F4] Box on/off
    [F5] Distance on/off
    [F6] Health Text on/off
    [F7] Skeleton on/off
    HOW TO USE : Drag driver.sys into mapper.exe ( auto close normal ) , open ExogoCS2.exe , Open CSGO 2
    Join my discord
    my username discord : .exotikcheat​
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