Selling    Cheapest Vbucks You Can Buy :) - Offer me any time

Discussion in 'Fortnite V-Bucks for Sale - FN Buy & Sell V Bucks' started by Wizard12217, 11/10/18.

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  1. Wizard12217

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    I am selling v bucks for half off, these services are completely legitimate and require a region change in order to get them for a much cheaper value. This is done by logging into your account and purchasing from my phone which transfers to whichever console based on the latest update

    How it works?
    When I was introduced, and heard of this did question it's legitimacy as well since it resembled other fortnite vbuck scams however unlike them has results from a legitimate process of buying things not just vbucks from this region that make it cheaper due to their current economy. There are several methods to do this, that you are able to do yourself if you research so don't dismiss this as a "vbuck scam" off the bat. In order to do this, I would need your login information with two factor autentication on or off (your choice), to purchase the vbucks in this currency with my credit card. This credit card is my own taking all risk myself. If you decide to chargeback your payment as I accept paypal goods and services, I will promptly chargeback the vbucks which might result in account ban. This is most likely an # of some kind, and involves no third party programs.

    Are you legit?

    I made a discord for this to manage all transactions much easier and show others that it actually works for one, happily able to walk you through it and provide screenshots upon request. I also accept paypal goods and services, since most people if not all are suspicious that this does not work or is a scam to begin with. On one hand it saves the user half price on v-bucks, as I tried multiple times on myself before I started selling so know that its worth the artificial risk

    Can you get banned?

    I am fairly new to selling however have seen people selling to 200+ people with no ban experience. I have done this to myself 2 months ago and so far received no ban. This does not directly violate any of epic games tos however account sharing

    Contact Info:

    Feel free to join to verify my legitimacy and confirm it is working as of the date you are reading this and purchase any time you like

    I am being as open and straight forward I can be about this, and would hope you have no impression that this is a scam. There will most likely be doubt due to the fact it is relatively unknown to most, however have tested this method and is working at this time.

    More than happy to accept a middle man or any other form of collateral. A verified middle man from playerup for example works fine
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  2. PlayerUp

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