Sold Cheapest and fast boosting services

Discussion in 'Wizard101 Boosting and Leveling - Buy Sell Trade' started by KevinJohny, 3/24/21.

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  1. KevinJohny

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    Hey guys I'll be doing cheap boosting services. Dm me on discord kingK#1382

    These are the cheapest boosting services on playerup

    Wizard city: 3$
    Krokotopia 5$
    Marleybone: 6$
    Mooshu: 8$
    Dragonspyre: 10$
    Celestia: 12$
    Zafaria: 16$
    Avalon: 22$
    Azteca: 26$
    Khrysalis: 30$
    Polaris: 20$
    Mirage: 25$
    Empyrea: 28$
    Karamelle: 25$

    I respond very quickly on discord. I'm also doing level boosting.

    You can Dm me on discord at kingK#1382

    How does it work?
    You can send me your password but not your masterpass. I will boost to your desired area then you will pay me. After the boosting is over, You can change the password and play on your account.

    If you don't feel comfortable with paying huge sums of money at first, I'm willing to boost in intervals and you can pay me less.
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