Selling  Android and iOS  High End  Original Owner (Yes) CHEAP WHALE ACCOUNT

Discussion in 'Lord of the Rings Rise to War Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by daddytarq, 6/25/23.

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  1. daddytarq

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    This three accounts are linked to the same Facebook., so you can't get one. The buyer will have all three accounts.
    Total price for 3 accounts = $780
    Discord: trkaltints

    Account 1: RP Evil Side
    Owned T1: Gorbag R19, Grima R11, Yusra R11, Azok R8, Khaldoon R8, Shagrat R7, Ughtak R6, Maltök R6, Sharku R3
    Owned T2: Lurtz R11, MoS R9, Gothmog R8, Khamül R8, Azru-Khor R6, The Shadow R6, Ugluk R5, Lathar R4, Aduna R4, Grishnakh R4, Qurwan R3, Zegrid R3, Glasha R2
    Owned T3: Sauron R12, Sünind R9, WK R8, Saruman R3, BS 3940/9000, Kirun 3620/9000

    Account 2 Non RP Good Side
    Owned T1: Eowyn R16, Faramir R9, Dwalin R9, Boromir R8, Haldir R5, Merry ve Pippin R5, Hirgon R5, Ori
    Owned T2: Gandalf R9, Aragorn R7, Eomer R5, Arwen R5, Celeborn R4, Imrahil R3, Frodo and Sam R3, Legolas R3, Gimli R4, Denethorn R3, Theoden R3, Elladan R3, Balin R0, Elrohir 1460/3000
    Owned T3: Gil Galad R7, Galadriel R6, Treebeard R1, Ganldalf the White 4900/9000, Aragorn King of Men 4200/9000

    Account 3 Non RP Good Side
    Owned T1: Eowyn R14, Faramir R3, Dwalin R7, Boromir R3, Haldir R5, Merry ve Pippin R2, Hirgon R1, Ori R0
    Owned T2: Theoden R11, Gandalf R6, Aragorn R5, Arwen R2, Imrahil R1, Legolas R2, Elladan 1760/3000, Celeborn 1480/3000
    Owned T3: Thorin 4920/9000

    #1 daddytarq, 6/25/23
    Last edited: 7/2/23
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