Hey, The Account is LvL 53. The Account has 15 purple chars, 5 Star Party chars (Odin, Skadi, Dielle, Hrist and Young Ymir), 4 Moon Party Chars (Sentia, Reginleif, Sara and Sandra), Count Draculoci, Christmas Mani and aswell as almost all non exlusive chars (Thor,Thrud,Matisse,Luca,Niji,Freya,Gullveig,Momoji,Stella,Ayame,Liesa,Canon,Ra nco, etc.). The Account also got alot of good equippment like Walhalla-Gear, Garms Bucket5*, Ayames Sp. Costume 5, etc. If you are interested PM me and tell me what you would pay for the Account, also if you want i can provide you Pictures.