Selling Cheap SWFC 5* cards for sale, check for a list and prices inside!

Discussion in 'Star Wars Force Collection Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Bohica, 11/25/15.

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  1. Bohica

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    Card nameOur price
    Aayla Secura$ 40,00
    Admiral Ackbar$ 1,50
    Admiral Ackbar [It's a Trap!]$ 7,00
    Anakin Skywalker [Dual Wield]$ 7,00
    Anakin Skywalker [Padawan]$ 1,50
    Anakin Skywalker [Race of Destiny]$ 10,00
    Anakin Skywalker [The Chosen One]$ 6,00
    Anakin Skywalker [The Fallen One]$ 10,00
    Aurra Sing$ 2,00
    Aurra Sing [Hired Gun]$ 13,00
    Ben Kenobi$ 10,00
    Boba Fett$ 4,00
    Boba Fett [Death for Hire]$ 15,00
    Boba Fett [The Relentless Hunter]$ 3,00
    Bossk$ 3,00
    c-3po$ 50,00
    Cad Bane$ 5,00
    Chewbacca$ 2,00
    Chewbacca [Hero of Kashyyyk]$ 2,00
    Chewbacca [Wookiee Warrior]$ 10,00
    Clone Captain Rex$ 8,00
    Clone Captain Rex [Phase 2]$ 30,00
    Clone Commander Appo$ 2,50
    Clone Commander Cody$ 3,00
    Clone Commander Thire$ 2,00
    Darth Maul$ 2,00
    Darth Maul [Assassin]$ 2,00
    Darth Maul [Rage of the Sith]$ 8,00
    Darth Sidious$ 15,00
    Darth Sidious [Ruthless Ambition]$ 25,00
    Darth Sidious [Sith Dictator]$ 2,75
    Darth Vader$ 2,75
    Darth Vader [Cloud City]$ 5,00
    Darth Vader [Galactic Terror]$ 7,00
    Darth Vader [Master of Evil]$ 11,00
    Darth Vader [The Dark Usurper]$ 28,00
    Darth Vader [The Penultimate Conflict]$ 9,00
    Darth Vader [TIE Advanced]$ 23,00
    Dengar$ 3,50
    Dooku$ 2,00
    Dooku [Dark Lord]$ 2,00
    Dooku [Enemy of the Republic]$ 5,00
    Dooku [Sith Lord]$ 2,00
    Droideka$ 6,00
    Emperor Palpatine$ 2,00
    Emperor's Royal Guard$ 7,00
    General Grievous$ 2,80
    General Grievous [Elusive Commander]$ 3,00
    General Grievous [Last Stand]$ 7,00
    General Grievous [The Atrocious Executioner]$ 8,00
    General Kalani$ 12,00
    General Veers$ 9,00
    Grand Moff Tarkin$ 3,00
    Grand Moff Tarkin [The Merciless]$ 2,00
    Han Solo$ 4,00
    Han Solo [Quick Draw]$ 7,00
    Han Solo [Smuggler for Hire]$ 8,00
    Jabba the Hutt$ 1,00
    Jabba the Hutt [Crime Lord]$ 35,00
    Jango Fett$ 2,50
    Jango Fett [The Original Warrior]$ 5,00
    Jar Jar Binks$ 2,00
    Jar Jar Binks [Gungan Senator]$ 5,00
    Kit Fisto$ 6,00
    Lando Calrissian$ 2,75
    Leia Organa$ 13,00
    Leia Organa [Speeder Chase]$ 10,00
    Luke Skywalker$ 2,50
    Luke Skywalker [Heir to an Empire]$ 22,50
    Luke Skywalker [Jedi Knight]$ 35,00
    Luminara Unduli$ 8,00
    Mace Windu$ 6,00
    Mace Windu [Master of Vaapad]$ 7,00
    MagnaGuard$ 5,00
    Master Yoda$ 4,50
    Master Yoda [Aspect of the Light]$ 40,00
    Master Yoda [Exile on Dagobah]$ 5,00
    Master yoda [Reluctant General]$ 10,00
    Master Yoda [The Grand Master]$ 40,00
    Nute Gunray$ 2,00
    Obi-Wan Kenobi [Jedi Master]$ 10,00
    Obi-Wan Kenobi [Last of the Order]$ 7,00
    Obi-Wan Kenobi [Padawan]$ 3,00
    Obi-Wan Kenobi [Republic General]$ 7,00
    Obi-Wan Kenobi [Varactyl Cavalry]$ 4,00
    Padmé Amidala [Final Term]$ 2,00
    Padmé Amidala [Resourceful Senator]$ 10,00
    Padmé Amidala [Senator at War]$ 2,00
    Plo Koon [Jedi Pilot]$ 25,00
    Pong Krell$ 19,00
    Queen Amidala$ 60,00
    Qui-Gon Jinn$ 2,00
    Qui-Gon Jinn [The Final Duel]$ 10,00
    R2-D2$ 2,75
    Sebulba$ 12,00
    Senator Palpatine$ 2,75
    Shaak TI$ 10,00
    Supreme Chancellor Palpatine$ 50,00
    Wedge Antilles$ 10,00
    Zam Wessel

    Looking for a card of the above? email [email protected]
    $ 35,00

    Or check site.
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