Sold Cheap Mage account 3 comps Levia, Valze, 280 pity on Leda 5

Discussion in 'Brave Nine Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by NekohimeKitty, 7/2/21.

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  1. NekohimeKitty

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    HI all, looking to sell a mage account with the essential units 5 star Magician, Warrior, 1 4 star support, 1 mage, and 2 warrior not picked yet from Jump-Start
    Still has many story quests to complete and a little more novice rewards to get.
    Will continue playing and trying to get Celia comps as well as build the legends with books.
    Is able to reach Platinum I in Arena, Diamond III in Novice, and Gold I in World.
    Check the images below to see the units

    Looking for 5 dollars, Paypal Friends...

    Cheap Mage account 3 comps Levia, Valze, 280 pity on Leda 5$
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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