CMNCALEB LDOE SERVICES Hello everyone. Here are some modifications I can make to your account, Android only: LEVEL SERVICES: +10 levels - $1 +20 levels - $2 Level 99 - $3 PACK SERVICES: +70 pack of your choice - $2 +700 pack of your choice - $4 +1 military pass - $1 ITEM SERVICES: +1 Full Swat Armor - $1 +1 Full Warrior Armor (unobtainable) - $1 +1 Rank IV puppy - $1 +100 Halloween Item (of your choice) - $1 COIN SERVICES: +100,000 coins - $2 If you are interested in any of the services above, and have an Android device, contact me here: Email: [email protected] Discord: Caleb#0001
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Also offering these services: Duplication: Duplicate a full chest of any item - $2 Learn Recipes: I will learn every crafting recipe for you for $1 Upgrade House: I will Max out your wall/floor levels on your entire house for $2