Cheap L3 account for sale! Power: 5m (Has recently been zeroed due to civil war in the kingdom, Needs rebuilding) Troops: Has 3 star T11 Infantry and 1 star Calvalry. Rest are normal T10s. Heroes: All purple Heroes are 5 star (120) Most orange heroes are 5 star (120) except the following: Faceless Night (3 Star) Aderyn (3 star) Gold Heroes are as follows: Dolen Sikil, Rin'in Steelshaper (4 Star) Rest are 3 star except Gideon which is 2 star. Inventory: Has over 3000 medals, enough to get started towards L4. Loads of unprotected rccs i have been saving since the beginning of the kingdom. and some Building/troops and research speeds Stats/Skill books: Infantry Attack: 415% Infantry Defence: 450% Infantry HP: 400% with books ranging from level 20 to 25. The stats are very good for the kingdom age and against other players. Extra Infomation: VIP10, Prestige level:8, 130m kills+ with 3m Military points, Level 53. Kingdom 369: Kingdom 369 is a fairly new kingdom. less than 9 months old. freindly players. is a top kingdom for events like KvK. Any questions please message me on line: Kwzzz369 or on this website. Thank you!