Sold  Android and iOS Cheap Global 30,6k Team Ability F2P account, most legends 30 LUQ Good PvP and PvE

Discussion in 'Soccer Spirits Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by theNegociator, 11/7/20.

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  1. theNegociator

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    My Location:
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    The account can clear all PvE content and can reach Galaxy rank easily. It has a lot of investments, as in rerolls and invested players from all attributes (i was building rainbow teams). If it interests you, leave me a DM or reply with your discord name#xxxx and I'll reach out with more details!

    As for the website, I pressed the "create a buy now link here" button as I suppose it requests a middleman, I hope that helps. Otherwise, you go first with the payment because I'm really scared of losing 3 years of commitment this easily... lol.
    The reason I'm not playing anymore is I think I spent a lot of good time here, but it's time to move onto other things in life.
    Price is discussable to an extent-- feel free to ask me questions!
    #1 theNegociator, 11/7/20
    Last edited: 11/7/20
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