Full level with emblems in brackets: Telluria (17) JF (17) Heimdall Sif Black Knight (15) Richard Justice Khagan (9) Clarissa Frida Kunchen L70: Richard, Domitia, Seshat, Quintus, Atomos, Kadilen. Pretty much every good 4* + some 5* at L1. 9 tomes, 8 damascene, + a set for each hero. Heaps of other stuff + 1800 crystals. Let me know if you have any questions.
Non-levelled: Zocc, Telluria (nr. 2), Noor, Clarissa (nr. 2), Horghall, Isarnia, Domitia, Quintus, Kadilen, Elkanen, Justice. Ready to start building Hero Academy L9. 9 heroes from TC20 ready to collect. 400 heroes in roster now, 700 ready to collect from training camps.