Sold Cheap Awesome TERA NA Account

Discussion in 'TERA Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by -A-, 9/28/16.

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  1. -A-

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    Server Celestial Hills

    13 characters (1 by one class + 1 was created for a guild bank (such guild banks are not working since last patch, so all resorces are now on the 4th page of normal bank))

    All classes are lvl 65
    Have gold one innerwear (DPS and Tank Power HP/Endur Healers)
    Gold one brooches (65 lvl Power version)
    75% of chars have best or good-rolled old best jewel 25% have too old but enough one for that patch Timescape versions or not finally best rolled new one Jewel

    DPS and Tank class gear:

    Armour, boots, gloves: Slaughter +12 (rarely +11 on boots/body), best PVE rolls, best t2 PVE etching
    Lancer, Gunner, Sorc, Ninja, Zerk with Starfall +15 best pve rolls, best t3 (one or two t2) PVE etching
    Warrior, Archer, Brawler Lucid +15, best pve rolls, best t3 PVE etching
    Slayer and Reaper still with Gen +15, best pve rolls, best t3 PVE etching


    Tesnus weapon with best PVE rolls, best t2/t3 PVE etching
    Armor, gloves, boots Slaughter+12/Dread+12 best PVE rolls, best t2 PVE etching
    If I have Dreadnaught+12 part, I have not enchanted slaughter part in the pocket

    Every char has at least 3 costumes (Good fashion coupon one or from EMP shop)
    2 Founder weapon skins as a reward for 3-year playtime
    Account Steam Punk bundle
    ~400k gold
    ~30k T10 feeds+ ~30k Masterwork Alk
    Imperator parts (need just Versas)
    1000+ Fashion coupons
    99% of bew one glyphs learned
    15000 Muffins as a present
    Tonns of conumables + godesses + heavens e.t.c.
    15 smart dryads, 65+ blue dryads and 75% of one bank list of good connected one versions, lots of crystals if u broke em
    20000 strongboxes for events
    T2 etchings
    Every char has mount for regeneration MP/HP/Stam
    Peppy Preppy Smartboxes for every char and a bit more
    Tonns of blue innerwears
    Etching Craft Master + all maths needed to make all other masters (have 400+ craft lvl on some chars) 120+ crafters cure
    500+ federation bills and ~500 istance reset scrolls

    It was manually-leveled and geared
    Super old and rare account
    As an addition Lancer, Reaper, Sorc, Archer, Zerk, War, Slayer, Gunner and Brawler has the best glyphs sets for 150 ping PVE

    I'd like to see your offers
    Skype: empire_legion
    Will sell only with trade guarantor
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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