Background I've played Overwatch since the beta and reached grandmaster in all three seasons while getting the top 500 a bunch of times. I play mostly Zenyatta, Roadhog, and Soldier. Why choose me? Experience: High SR player with experience since beta. Secure: No cheating or abusing the system in any form. Communication: Skype will be used for questions & status updates et cetera. Affordable: Cheap base prices & discounts available. Pricing Boosting 1-1500: 0.99€ per 50SR 1500-2000: 1.99€ per 50SR 2000-2500: 2.99 per 50SR 2500-3000: 3.99€ per 50SR 3000-3250: 4.99€ per 50SR 3250-3500: 5.49€ per 50SR Guaranteed rank. 10% # for 500SR+ orders. 15% # for 1000SR+ orders. Placement Matches Bronze/Silver: 8.99€ Gold: 10.99€ Platinum: 14.99€ Diamond: 18.99€ Guaranteed higher than last season rank. If I place lower, I will play until I reach higher than your last season rank. Prices are in € (euros), 1€ = 1.06$ Other Contact me. Payment PayPal (preferred) but also accepting Skrill, Bitcoin or Paysafecard. Contact I am available at almost anytime, if you have any questions please don't be afraid to contact me! Normally available from 10:00 AM EEST to 23:00 PM EEST. Skype: santeri.suomi Discord: Myrtsi#7338