Sold Character for sale on WT2 - Age of Wushu

Discussion in 'Age of Wushu Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by greatestnerdever, 5/2/17.

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  1. greatestnerdever

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    Male character, using level 49 Nianluo Dam 1st inner, currently in Mount Hua sect, enough tokens to buy 1-49 of the 2nd mount hua inner, with some leftover to buy 7-8 skills, and the diploma to leave when available.

    All Meridians unlocked or leveled to 108 aside from WV and Wudang which are at 72, enough aggregate books to unlock a 144 meridian when available.

    Unbound 1-4 book for Turn Weapon Around in inventory for leaving mount hua to join wudang for horse/CTM, or you can just sell it, I suppose.

    Full gold C5 gear, C5 jade chest. C5 gold sword with 6x damage rolls, gold chef claw with 3 defense break rolls for external damage. Character is currently built for external, but has swaps if you want to be internal. Brawn/Dex/Stam all capped currently.

    2.3 Ding in inventory. +194 sword and dagger manuals. Both mount hua sets at 6 for the important stuff (rage, charge, etc), far and removed 1-4 learned, lots of various other skills learned.

    Asking price is Total War: Warhammer + all DLC (120 dollar value on Steam)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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