Selling a Maxed out TH10. All defenses are completely maxed, the only thing left to upgrade is Walls & King/Queen. The only exception to "Maxed" is the Barracks. Barracks have 1 more level to go, i never used pekkas as i personally never liked them. This base has been to champs league on 2 separate occasions with a record of 3372. But is now sitting in Masters 3 farming Dark Elixer for the Heroes. Please look at the pictures for more specific info about the base. Currently i am taking offers. I wont sell below $1100, and thats firm. I dont mind if it takes weeks, im in no rush. (Taking PAYPAL ONLY) If interested you can send me a kik message with your offer at : v7Seven I can easily prove that its mine, by moving the clan castle anywhere around the base. Pick a corner and ill move it there. Thanks!
You may NOT join the clan. It is closed. Only way to contact me is on here or kik. Forgot to put that in :P
Guys this is one of the biggest clash of clans live streamers accounts i believe he might be trying to scam you.
I said this to someone else, but im not here to prove im the streamer. What i can do is prove its my account. I said i can easily change the cc or any other single building and put it in any corner you choose. Also, I had forgot to mention that this account is an IOS account. This is NOT an android account. Lastly, ive just had an offer for 1300. But i will update if it falls through or not.