Decided to quit in favor of one of 2 other games, both of which will require a much better video card then I currently have. Looking to sell my Champions Online Lifetime Subscribed Account, which has been active 1097 days and has all Veteran Rewards unlocked & available. Around 80% of all available stuff in the Cryptic Online Store for the game has also been obtained. Tons of costume pieces only obtainable within the game have also been obtained. There is 1 level 37 male champion on the account and several others below that. If you decide to buy, I would highly recommend transfering items before deleting any characters you do not wish to keep as some hold items purchased from the Cryptic Store. Cryptic sells lifetime subscriptions with gold access for $300. This one has tons & tons of extras & I'm only asking $50. For faster response, add nazerapandora on skype. I might be in a ranked match for one of the games I play if it's late at night, so if I don't respond immediately I will get back with you when the round ends. Please do not contact me if your trying to haggle over price. Also please do not contact me if you are offering a trade. Strictly looking to sell. bump bump bump bump bump I'm interested in this account I added you on skype: Josh9235 sorry it was sold before I went to work today Oh..