Champions Online Key-plus 2 months

Discussion in 'Champions Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 2/26/14.

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  1. Games

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    I selling my account for champions online

    I payed for gametime up to December 25th

    There only one character at level 24 with a Free Retcon (Changes all the powers)

    looking around 60 USD so I can buy Aion

    I think it reasonable, 30 dollars for the game and then 30 dollars for the 2 months

    I lowered the price to 55 or a trade Aion account,


    hey i have an aion online account prepurchase account. has level 3 warrior. but a month of subscription left on it. how we gonna do this. i'm new to the site. do they have middleman? msg me on aim myth0logy69 email is [email protected] /* */

    I got Aion Today actually from another source so, sorry, I can sell champions for 40 dollars probably
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