If i cancel the subscription as SOON as i get credited, will i still be charged? What about if i have unlimited texting. I did this before and didn't get charged but i think i got lucky. Oh seriously, don't, I tried that My dad saw the bill T_T! Damn, that sucks lol. It wont charge unless you leave it there for a week. Don't do cellphone offers at the end of the month or it'll count towards your bill As for unlimited texting, you wont be billed for the text they've sent you. Originally Posted by Deffyz If i cancel the subscription as SOON as i get credited, will i still be charged? What about if i have unlimited texting. I did this before and didn't get charged but i think i got lucky. The text itself wont be charged if you have unlimited texting, the service may charge you tho. Originally Posted by mnop333 Louis vuitton luggage150 years ago, Louis vuitton luggage, pioneer, as modern waves travel time prediction. In 1932, Louis vuitton replicas handbags nowitzki officially opened replica handbag Evans. Inspiration for essien's Noah Noah (French). First, the third generation of seed Louis vuitton Gaston - sir Louis vuitton is champagne wine for the design requirements of his luxurious champagne bottles can accommodate solid and replicas bag lasting bag. Therefore, essien bag was born. For large replica handbag under the narrow lace, wide string, pocket tie, installing a future five bottles of champagne.Find what you want here: ***************************************************** I hope you get infracted o.o I didn't have any problems.. and after you're billed, you're billed, it cant be changed unless you call your provider and say that you didn't partake in these charges and demand a refund.. But yea, you just text "Stop" to them before you enter your pin on the survey. ---------- Post added 08-09-2010 at 11:10 AM ---------- Originally Posted by xflipninja It wont charge unless you leave it there for a week. you. That's untrue, most of them are instant ahh... If they do charge just call your provider and say I don't know wtf this is and they'll remove it