Selling  Android  Average CC 21 VIP LV 9 31.6 MIL POWER, RIGGS LV 89 plus bonus bases!!

Discussion in 'World War Rising Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Dustin Seller, 3/18/19.

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  1. Dustin Seller

    Dustin Seller
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    Buy Now Link:
    Buy Now
    CC 20 VIP LV 3 18.9 MIL POWER, RIGGS LV 69 XIRA LV 33
    3,283,368 gold
    over 661 hrs of speed up combined
    2.8 Mil loyalty
    Tons of unopened RSS (t1 and t2)
    All T3 troops research complete
    I will also give you 9 farms (1 lvl 18, 4 x lvl 13, 3 x lvl 12, 1 lvl 10)
    Each farm produces between 2-3 mil of an rss at a fast rate.

    In Hyperion Region
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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