Selling CB Vella or Hurk Lvl 70+ and Atk 17k+

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 8/1/15.

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  1. Games

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    Hey, I'm interested in buying a CB Vella or Hurk with 17k attack or more in NA West server. You can send screenshots or contact me at [email protected] /* */ . I'm offering $250 on Paypal only, I'll pay first and I can purchase it within a few days (About 3 or 4).


    Actually, I don't really want a Hurk as much as a Vella so sorry to shoot down any possible offers, though I don't have many right now, but anyways, it's mainly because I prefer the play style of Vella, so the offer of $250 still stands.

    I have a level 50 Vella with a ton of NX items and it still has NX on it, 70 is just a short jump up, and there is a 45 Evie and a Hurk all with a lot of NX items.
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