Sold Castle lv43, 230stp, maxed earth water, full arash charles dido, portals

Discussion in 'Infinity Kingdom Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by talpius, 1/30/22.

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  1. talpius

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    Water Team (full shard +artifact): Dido, Merlin, Attila, Harald
    Immo Lvl 43 + boost level 21
    Dragon Lvl 42, Skills: 9/9/10 lvl
    Stp 230k

    Earth Team 5 Immo with Arash (full shard +artifact): Arash, Alexander the Great, Charles the Great, Cleopatra, Zenobia
    Immo Lvl 41 + boost level 20
    Dragon Lvl 36, Skills: 7/7/7 lvl
    Stp 192k

    Fire Light mixed march (full shard +artifact): Wu, Peter, Hyppo
    + William (720shard)
    Immo Lvl 40 + boost level 20
    Dragon Lvl 25, Skills: 5/5/3 lvl
    Stp 112k...

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