Selling Castle Level 26, kingdom 390 3,600,000 Power...

Discussion in 'Clash of Kings Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Nikolay Venkov, 2/4/16.

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  1. Nikolay Venkov

    Nikolay Venkov
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    Castle Level 26, kingdom 390 3,600,000 Power Details: Lord lvl 34 VIP 9 Stables lvl23 Range lvl23 Barrcks lvl22 Siege Eng. lvl22 Wall - 25 Drill grounds - 24 Embassy - 25 College - 24 Hall of war - 14 Hospital can take 150+ K troops for healing (with the current equipment) ------------------ Total Troops atm: 490,000 Still no T9 T8 troops: Stables 97'000 T8 Range 87'000 T8 Barracks 48'000 T8 + 51'000 T7 (!!!) Siege 92'000 T8 Equipment Lvl30 Purple 5 equipments Lvl25 Purple 4 equipments Lvl15 Orange 1 equipment PM me with your offer
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