Sold Castle 35 , 151k temple , 810k core pow , 230 gold cap , valor 9 , 730 linari

Discussion in 'Art of Conquest Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Veteran3, 7/9/19.

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  1. Veteran3

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    *Power levels change constantly Everything is in time of post will update daily

    Basic INFO

    Great account , Kind of basic f2p , jus monthly patron and subscription (6$)

    First purchase hero is availble to buy for 10$ hero of your choice when they pop up ,

    Castle 35 , soon 36 ,

    Linari - 720 only , but patron active for 22 days and win good events top 3 sometimes and house events rank 1 most times

    Tons of resources

    6.2mil gold / 11.4m elixir / 7.4m wood
    Rares - 31k red / 83k mithril / 31k crystal
    Skin scrolls - 24
    Void coins - 420
    Battlebits - 60
    Badge of Bravery - 300

    Good inventory items , 300 of each pots / very active account ,

    Power Split

    Troops - 240k ( No bronze , Less gold doing garrisons now )
    Hero - 37k
    Garrison - 151k (Doing garrison will increase , currently only 72 stacks gold in garrison )
    Dragon - 29.5k
    Build - 58k
    Research - 622k

    TEMPLE - 151K
    CHAKRA - 81K
    (Doing first tree now its lvl10 in chakra for awaken Huntress when they out , Archers close to awaken as well but will stop at lvl 7 chakra)

    RESEARCH Level

    Troops : Outriders / Watchers / Trees / Cannoners / Serpents / Siege - 162 / 140 / 88 / 117 / 87 / 89
    Heroe : Mage, Necro /Rouge, MECH /Sage, General/ Gladiator, Paladin - 103 / 247 / 106 / 154


    L31 Rufio
    L36 Avril
    L31 Vallari
    L38 Avalon
    L36 Elena
    L35 Vega
    L35 Gan
    L33 Virion - Lord pen skin
    L31 Gazul
    L31 Wraxius
    L20 Rose
    L40 Grimms
    L30 Nora
    L38 Jacques
    L40 Mako
    L40 Denji
    L40 Baelrog
    L40 Fenris
    L40 Sprig

    Unowned currently - Lunela , Tiadrin , Cleo , Gafgar , yip , tok , bane ( I know very important heroes but very easy to get eventually )


    Might - 1131
    Magic - 902
    Stam - 1016
    Command - 910

    RACE - SLYPH ,
    Can beat most people at same core pow , Soon will be very strong

    Hero trails , daily 138 of 10k xp cards currently

    Void - till 94 perfect

    Abyss - 315

    Honor - 3300k

    Most of my rankings are all top 40 in server with lots of whales ( 2 gold borders in my house )

    Very active house wins house events , Currently duke of army cap city with citadel ( daily gov chest )
    Tier 2 royal position every week on what you ask

    SO many event items and dragon items ( but no full set on drag items yet mostly 2 awaiting 1 more RNG babe )

    Price - 225$ ( will increase as power increase constantly at certain intervals if acc is still up for sale )

    Contact on discord for more info ,

    Discord me at - Trippn#8261

    Linked to Both google and fb , Safe and secure full access , No red feedbacks check my profile , Bronze seller good REP !
    #1 Veteran3, 7/9/19
    Last edited: 7/9/19
  2. OP

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    Core - 830k

    Up still , contact discord for more info
  3. OP

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    Up ,

    2 more lvl 40 heroes , Few more gold in garrison , slight improvement in temple , chakra powers
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