Hey guys i am having alot of difficulty lately buying astros. I keep getting a "Security Error Status Code 11000" If anyone knows what that is, That would help =) OR If anyone will help me buy astros That would help too If you want to help me buy astros i will please ask you too be someone i trust i.e cloud, El, Luig, Chava, Aby, INLY, NotSoCool... maybe more and i would just send you money on paypal and ask you to gift astros to my account Never mind i can buy astros on one computer. lol Try it on a different account. I use paypal. Paypal accounts can only be attatched to ONE OgP account. EDIT: Same thing on all accounts (tried 4) Maybe the payment system is down for maintenance? Best advice I can give you is. To help desk, I know, I know it's slow, but they have the best answers regarding astros most of the time. I'm not going to send something to the help desk now that i posted a thread on a hacking website. Make a new paypal account and some the money your going to buy on astros =_='' ????? for mauh :3 ^ it's not paypal. I tried every payment method. On every account. Right when i clic on Agree it goes to the error. I'll try in the morning after update.