Sold Canceled

Discussion in 'Runescape 3 RS3 Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by IGame4Cash, 10/9/20.

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  1. IGame4Cash

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    My Location:
    Price $:
    Make Offer
    Accepting Offers as well
    Total skill level: 28~~
    Virtual Level: 29~~
    Bank's worth is around 1.3-1.4B (Using bank evaluator with Untradables toggled on)
    Picture of some items worth a lot:
    Past Offenses here: (All offences are from 2017 or before and some are screenshotted twice as a bit of a safety measure)

    (Note: Accurate levels and Dates are omitted for the safety of the account)

    Combat Level: 138
    Email: Registered to me and will change on Sale
    Age: almost 9 years
    Ownership: Original Owner and Will provide full assistance if an account recovery is ever needed
    Reaper Crew Achievement (Obtained by killing every RuneScape boss and grants bonus Stats)
    Green Warden Title (Obtained by killing the hardest solo boss in Runescape, Telos, at 500% Enrage)

    Gear: Max perked TMW + Semi-Max perked Elite Tectonic + equipment/abilities/supplies written down

    Cosmetics: Many Animations and cosmetic outfits unlocked as well as items dating up to 6-9 years back.

    Ancient gizmos available in account with:
    AS4+E2 Combo
    AS4+R1 Combo
    Lunging4 + Equilibrium 2

    Account is maxed with 99 in all skills + 120 in str/att/constitution/herblore + 200M xp in Magic

    Items/Abilities obtained/unlocked:

    1- Limitless sigil
    2- Essence of Finality WITH STATIUS WARHAMMER SPEC
    3- Elite Tectonic Set
    4- TMW Spiked Armor Set
    5- Erethedor's Grimoire
    6- Ingenuity of the Humans
    7- undead/dragon slayer abilities
    8- Reprisal
    9- Ring of Death
    10- Deathtouched Bracelet
    11- Double Surge
    12- Mutated Flurry
    13- Mutated Fury
    14- Mutated Barge
    15- Corruption shot+blast
    16- Shards+Shatter
    17- Sacrifice
    18- Transfigure
    19- Bladed Dive
    20- Onslaught
    21- Devotion
    22- Salve Amulet (e)
    23- T99 Melee Prayer
    24- T99 Mage Prayer
    25- Asylum Surgeon's Ring

    Archaeology Relics:
    Fury of the Small
    Berserker's Fury

    Misc items:

    5000+ Extreme potions 3-dose for all combat styles
    500+ Elder overloads
    Magic and Melee Kiln Cape
    Enhanced Excalibur + Dominion Mines unlocked

    Several boss pets unlocked including:
    Tess - Telos
    Ambi - Ambassador (Title obtained)
    Mallory - Araxxi (Title obtained)
    Barry - Araxxor
    Vindiddy and Rawrvek - (Title obtained)
    The Minister - (Title obtained)
    Kuroryu - (Title obtained (ED1))

    Skilling pets:
    Archie / Shamini / Newton / Ghostly / Sparky / Morty / Wallace / Kangali / Sifu / Crabbe / Herbert / Flo / Bubbles / Dojo Mojo / Ramsay / Gemi / Gordie

    Legendary pet:Bloodpouncer

    Important quests completed:

    The Light Within
    Plagues End
    Temple at Senttisten
    The World Wakes
    Broken Home
    Desert Treasure


    Berserk + Reckless + Maniacle + Mahjarrat Auras unlocked

    15K+ marks of war and 40+ Tier 3 Aura Refresh
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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