Sold Can you please tell me whats the needed device...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Gerjahn Andres, 7/15/16.

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  1. Gerjahn Andres

    Gerjahn Andres
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    Can you please tell me whats the needed device for less lags ingame? Whats requirements spec for less lags in android? Im currently using quadcore device with 1gb ram and it lags so much especially in ssl, agl, mist trader base camp,cdring and sometimes in arena :( I tried to download oac in my cousin's phone its octacore device and it runs smoothly except in GM theres a little lags. Well all of us lags in gm
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    Islom Tashkulov

    Islom Tashkulov
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    It usually lags a lot on my iPhone 6s when there's a lot of players nearby.
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    Franco SilverWolf

    Franco SilverWolf
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    try deleting unused apps...or better if you factory reset your device to delete hidden apps and reset its peak performance...or you may try turning off "animation scale'' option in developer options at worked well in my device
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    Kevin Radle

    Kevin Radle
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    Delte game and finish ;)
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    Gerjahn Andres

    Gerjahn Andres
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    Lol Kevin Radle that doesnt make any sense ,whatz ur point?
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    Skurvy Oac

    Skurvy Oac
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    It's most likely your server. The more busy your server the more lag and disconnects and time it takes to load.
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