Selling Can anyone enhance this security footage for me?

Discussion in 'Web Design Services for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Hack Forums - Graphics, 1/18/19.

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  1. Hack Forums - Graphics

    Hack Forums - Graphics
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    Hey all,
    Last night at 4:00 am my security cameras caught 2 guys breaking into my car. Its night time so the video is dark. I've called the police and made a report but I don't think they will do much. Is there anyone here who may be able to enhance the video or parts of it to maybe reveal the writing on his hoodie or the type of shoes they may be wearing or something like that?

    Here is one screenshot I took of the video. Looks like his hoodie has some writing on it. If somebody can enhance that possibly?

    I am willing to pay. Please contact me ASAP if you can help.

    I apologize if I posted in the wrong area. I'm not too sure where I can find somebody to help me with this.
    #1 Hack Forums - Graphics, 1/18/19
    Last edited by a moderator: 10/28/24
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