Came up with a new method to transfer amazon balance from cracked accs

Discussion in 'Marketing Other Services For Sale - Buy & Sell' started by edinbror, 9/28/16.

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  1. edinbror

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    Hey, im not begging or anything right now, just asking for some help!

    Eariler today I came up with a new method to transfer refunded AGC balance to your original or whatever other amazon acc, and it works for .com/ etc. But, I haven't tested it yet. But been doing SE since years back so im pretty sure this could work out really fine.

    What im asking for is a amazon account with past orders within 1-2 years, and it can be any amount (1-10 works fine)

    Whoever that can help me provide an account in PM, once I confirm it is working, I will share the method with you!

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