Selling  Damascus  PC  Email Change Available  High End  Original Owner (Yes) CALL OF DUTY modern warfare account 54 DAMASCUS 5 DIAMOND 54 PLATINUM 54 GOLD (DARK MATTER)

Discussion in 'Call of Duty Modern Warfare Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell CoD MW Account' started by Zodiac killer, 4/25/21.

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  1. Zodiac killer

    Zodiac killer
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    Linkable to all platforms
    Account details -
    MW KILLS- 51000 plus
    K/d- 1.18
    CW kills-8500plus
    Warzone wins - 4

    Guns maxed / damascus /platinum / gold
    • Assault rifles(all ar’s present in game of MW are maxed out)
    • M4A1, Grau, Oden, FR 5.56, ram-7, fn scar, FAL, cr amax, Kilo 141, An-94, M13, Ak-47, As val

    Smgs (all smg’s present in game of MW are maxed out)-
    AUG, mp7, mp5 , fennec,ISO, pp bizon, P90, Striker , Uzi
    Shotguns(all shotgun present in game of MW are maxed out except vlk rogue)
    Jak-12, origin, R9-0 shotgun, Model 680, 725, M91
    Lmgs- m91, Sa87, Holger, Pkm, Mg34
    Marksmen rifles (all marksmen rifles present in game of MW are maxed out except crossbow)- sp-r 208, Mk2 carbine,
    kar 98k, Sks, ebr-14
    Sniper rifles- (all sniper rifles present in game of MW are maxed out )-
    #-50, Draganov, HDR, Rytec amr
    Melee- riot shield , kali sticks , knife
    All mw pistols in game are maxed out has damascus on them except sykov
    All launchers have damascus camo (mw)
    Cw guns maxed-
    (AR’S have diamond camo on them)
    • xm4, krig 6, Ak-47, QBZ-83, Ffar, bullfrog, ak-47u, Ksp 45, Mp5, Milano 821, Gallo sa12, Hauer 77, Stoner 63, Rpd, M60, AUG, M16, Dmr 14, Type 63, Lws - tundra, Pelington, M82, COMBAT KNIFE(cw), 1911, magnum, Diamatti, cigma 2, M79, Rpg-7
    (As you can see more than 90% of the guns are already maxed out needed for DARK MATTER IT WOULD BE SO EASY TO UNLOCK DARK MATTER )
    As melee and launchers of cw are already at max level
    Operators unlocked - Ghost (with rarest skins like Dark vision, reckoner & GHOSTED) , Rodian, bale, minotaur, charly, thorne, otter, price, Azur, Zane, grinch, Yegor, kreuger, syd, iskra, domino, talon, Golem, MARA, wyatt, ALEX, LERCH,
    D-day, raines, alice, Garcia, beck, portnova, powers, vargas, sims, adler, park, woods, hunter and song

    Rarest emblems unlocked - SAW STING, cog of duty and dancing vibe
    Rarest blue prints unlocked-
    Flood , warhead, moved down, baddie
    And witching hour
    Its a great account linkable to all platforms
    For photos message me
    Delivery can be instant just ask
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. Mht

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    Do you have Discord for easy exchange?
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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